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Collins for IELTS: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Grammar, Vocabulary |
категория: Международные экзамены |
автор (author): Anneli Williams, Jo Tomlinson, Fiona Aish, Els Van Geyte |
издательство (publisher): HarperCollins Publishers |
год (year): 2011-2014 |
язык (language): английский (english) |
формат (format): PDF, Mp3 |
Описание: Серия учебных пособий от издательства Коллинс для подготовки к сдаче международного экзамена по английскому языку IELTS, по всем основным навыкам - Чтение, Письмо, Говорение, Аудирование, Лексика. Каждая книга
дополняется аудио-приложением. Данная серия очень популярна во всем мире и пользуется заслуженным уважением студентов и преподавателей.
Collins Vocabulary for IELTS - book and CD cover vocabulary items and skills which are relevant to all four exam papers: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
In each unit, you work towards an exam practice exercise which is modelled on the actual IELTS exam.
Each unit contains activities that help you develop, step-by-step, the vocabulary knowledge and skills to help you tackle the exam.
Exam tips throughout the book highlight essential vocabulary-related learning strategies and exam techniques.
Collins Vocabulary for IELTS is a self-study book for learners of English who plan to take the Academic module of the IELTS test. This book is an ideal tool for learners studying at CEF level B1 or above or with a band score 5-5.5 who are aiming for a band score of 6 or higher. Key IELTS vocabulary and its usage are presented using Collins COBUILD dictionary definitions and example sentences from the Collins corpus. Learn and remember the vocabulary through the practice exercises, and read the practical exam strategies and tips to improve your IELTS score. You can familiarise yourself with the test questions by doing the Practice exam section at the end of each unit and then evaluate your progress in the revision units.
Collins Grammar for IELTS is a self-study book for learners of English who plan to take the Academic module of the IELTS test. This book is an ideal tool for learners studying at CEF level B1 or above or with a band score 5-5.5 who are aiming for a band score of 6 or higher. Twenty 4-page units present key areas of grammar with practice exercises similar to the ones in the IELTS test. Practical exam strategies and tips help you improve your IELTS score. Practice exam sections at the end of each unit allow you to familiarise yourself with the test questions. The Audio CD contains texts for Listening practice as well as model answers showing you how to use certain grammatical structures in the IELTS Speaking test.
Collins Speaking, Reading, Listening for IELTS has been specially created for learners of English who plan to take the IELTS exam to demonstrate that they have the required ability to communicate effectively in English, either at work or at university. It is ideal for learners with band score 5 - 5.5 who are aiming for band score 6 or higher on the IELTS test (CEF
level B1 and above).
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