Collins Business Grammar & Practice - If you are required to use English at work but feel you need to build up your grammar, Collins new Business Grammar & Practice is the perfect solution. Well-known Business English experts Nick Brieger and Simon Sweeney guide the user through 84 units to explain the structure of the English language. Examples of real usage are followed by a simple but thorough explanation of each grammar point. Then, a range of practice exercises cement your understanding. All of the sample sentences are taken from the COBUILD corpus. This ensures that you don’t learn artificial language – instead you get to grips with the vocabulary and structures that are used in the business world around the globe today. Work through the book from start to finish for a comprehensive course in pre-intermediate grammar, or pick and choose the topics of most interest to you. Topics covered: Main tenses (presents, imperatives, pasts, futures, conditionals) Auxiliaries and modals Voice – active vs. passive constructions Irregularities Sentence and clause types Nouns Adjectives and Adverbs Determiners (articles, pronouns, demonstratives, quantifiers…).
Collins English for Business is a new series of self-study skills books which focus on the language you really need to do business in English - wherever you are in the world. Each title includes tips on how to communicate effectively and how to communicate inter-culturally. Other titles in the series: Speaking and Listening. * Powered by COBUILD - using the real language of business English * Contents: Twenty 4-page units featuring key areas, such as Getting the Right Tone, Linking Ideas, Writing Quickly and Simply, Dealing with Difficult Issues and Editing the Language. * Each unit contains: - Exercises focused on written texts, vocabulary or key structures - Grammar tips - Key phrases * Reference section with key phrases for written documents is included at the end of the book.
Collins English for Business: Speaking will help you to make yourself understood in business. Model dialogues present key phrases to help you communicate effectively in different situations. You can choose to work on the units that are most relevant to you, or work through the whole book for a full course in business speaking.
Twenty 4-page units cover the key areas, such as Networking and Small Talk, Telephoning, Telephone and Video Conferencing, Presentations and Interviews.
Collins English for Business: Writing will help you to write clearer business documents more efficiently. Easy-to-follow explanations and simple tasks will improve your writing style. You can choose to work on the units that are most relevant to you, or work through the whole book for a full course in business writing.
Collins Key Business Skills gives you the tools you need to succeed in business if English is not your first language. Written by an expert in business and international communication, Key Business Skills offers professional advice and practice in the following areas: * presentations * meetings * negotiations * networking Non-native English speaker executives working in international environments need more than Business English. They need the business skills to present, run meetings, negotiate and network in international environments and then master the language needed to use those skills successfully. Key Business Skills follows a unique 'Business Plus' approach, with a focus on business skills and advice plus English language support. It provides activities to develop key skills needed by executives, such as dealing with difficult questions in presentations, intervening successfully in conference calls and meetings, recognizing the signals in a negotiation in English and networking without causing offence. The 24 units include language
and vocabulary practice, as well as cultural tips for interacting with colleagues and clients, to ensure you avoid embarrassment and to help enhance
your business relationships.
Collins COBUILD Business Vocabulary in Practice provides comprehensive coverage of today's business vocabulary in a clear, easy-to-use format. It gives students the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the English language in the field of business and commerce.
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