Our World National Geographic Cengage Learning english course for teenagers all levels download for free
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Our World by National Geographic - seven-level series for young learners of English




категория: УМК Our World
автор (author): Diane Pinkley, Gabrielle Pritchard, Rob Sved, Kate Cory-Wright
издательство (publisher): National Geographic, Cengage Learning
год (year): 2013-2020
язык (language): английский (American English, British English)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, DVD-Video, CD-exe
Описание: Our World это новейший 6-ти уровневый учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для тинэйджеров и молодежи от издательства Британского Национального Географического Общества.

Этот замечательный учебник построен на познании самой актуальной информации о том, какие действительно важные события происходят в мире. Шикарная мультимедийная составляющая УМК вкупе со множеством дополнительных материалов для студентов и учителей не оставят равнодушными ни преподавателей, ни учеников. Отдельно хочется отметить отличную коллекцию книг для чтения ко всем уровням курса.

Our World is a suite of learning materials from National Geographic Learning that brings age-appropriate National Geographic content to young learners of English. Fun and fascinating information about the real world, with stunning images and video, gives learners the essential English language, skills, and knowledge needed to understand their world – all while learning English! Our World is a six-level primary series in British English that brings the world into the classroom – and the classroom to life!

Achieve more with Our World, Second Edition, a best-selling seven-level series for young learners of English. Experience more of the real world with content that motivates learners to use English, including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geographic Explorers. Learn more about the world through cross-curricular topics that challenge learners and deepen their understanding of the world in English. Help learners achieve more through collaborative projects, extensive critical thinking and visual literacy work, and activities that inspire meaningful thinking and sharing. Our World truly brings the world into the classroom and improves learning outcomes, motivating learners to use English to show the world what they can do — and achieve more. Cross-curricular topics and updated Reading and Writing lessons - Vocabulary presented through real-world examples - Original Songs present new language and concepts - Collaborative Projects encourage learners to show what they know. New to this edition: Clear lessons with more amazing photos, real-world content, and on-page teaching support; Improved Grammar lessons with more support and practice in a real-world context; Value and Mission lessons challenge learners to think and grow with Think, Pair, Share routines; Extended Reading lessons for reading fluency support; Online Practice with audio, video, games, and activities for assessment and exam prep; Learning Management System for class management, messaging, setting assignments, and progress reporting for Online Practice.

Our World ABC introduces young learners to the English alphabet and prepares them for reading and writing in English. It can be used alone or with the Our World and Explore Our World programs.

Our World Phonics introduces young learners to the sounds of English and helps them learn and practice sound-spelling relationships in the English language. It can be used alone or before or alongside the Our World and Explore Our World programs

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Download Our World Phonics First Edition:

Download Our World First Edition:

  • Our World Professional Development Classroom Presentation Tool DVD - ISBN: 9781285455785
  • Our World Professional Development Video Program DVD - ISBN: 9781285455792

Download Our World Phonics Second Edition British:

Download Our World Phonics Second Edition American:

Download Our World Second Edition British English:

Download Our World Second Edition American English:

See Also: Explore Our World and Welcome to Our World

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