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Job Hunting in English books Collection




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"Английский язык для поиска работы, составления резюме, собеседований, переписки и трудоустройства"

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Cambridge English for Job-hunting Student's Book with Audio CDs + Teachers book + Extra - (Colm Downes, Jeremy Day - Cambridge University Press 2008) - A short self-study or classroom course (40-60 hours) for professionals and students who need to apply for jobs in English. Cambridge English for Job-hunting is designed to develop the specialist English language knowledge and communication skills that job-seekers need to apply for and secure jobs. Ideal for both working professionals and those new to the world of employment, the course comprises six standalone units covering core areas such as preparing a CV, writing a cover letter, and answering interview questions. Authentic materials such as genuine CVs and cover letters give learners practical experience in understanding and preparing vital documents. In addition, the course also offers valuable advice to help improve job-hunters' confidence, including help with difficult interview questions and how to present yourself effectively. Cambridge English for Job-hunting offers teachers notes and extension activities online. It is also ideal for self-study with a full answer key in the back of the book along with a language reference and a list of common interview questions. Cambridge English for Job-hunting
101 Great Resumes - (Ron Fry - Cengage Learning, 2013) - Resumes are dead, some will tell you. Don't need one, shouldn't make one, never send one. Or you still need one, but not the one you're used to. Resumes are not dead. The process has changed in some very key ways - slapping together a quick list of your jobs and schools and, oh, yeah, some of that volunteer stuff and extracurricular clubs, is not going to fly anymore (presuming it ever did). Speaking of "key, " who ever heard of "key words" a decade ago? But then, we weren't posting our resumes on Hotjobs.com, either. There are more and more qualified people out there for most jobs than in recent memory. So what's really changed is the level of competition and the need, more than ever, to set yourself apart from all those other contenders. Nope, still need a resume. Just one that's going to require more preparation, better writing, and a more professional, eye-catching presentation. 101 Great Resumes
CVs, Resumes, and LinkedIn. A Guide to Professional English - (Adrian Wallwork - Springer, 2014) - Are you a graduate, postgraduate or PhD student? Are you simply looking for a new job in the private or public sector, in research or industry? If your aim is to produce a professional CV or resume, then this book is for you. Based on interviews with recruiters and HR managers, and an analysis of hundreds of CVs from around 40 different countries, the book is structured as a series of FAQs. Topics covered include: how recruiters and HR people analyse a CV; whether using a template is a good idea; the difference between a CV and a resume; how to present your personal details and whether to include a photo; how to write an Executive Summary; what to write in each section (Education, Work Experience, Skills, Personal Interests); how to write dates; how to highlight your language, communication and team skills; how to get and write references. You will also learn some hints and strategies for writing a: cover letter; LinkedIn profile; reference letter; bio. The last chapter of the book contains a simple template to help you get the job of your dreams! CVs, Resumes, and LinkedIn
English for Employment - (Larry Parsky - Educational Design Inc., 1998) - Sentence construction, Punctualisation, capitalization, spelling rules, employment vocabulary, writing business letters, job application letters, resumes, cover letters, Your own personal data sheet, telephone messages, scheduling appointments. English for Employment
Real Jobs for Real People Student's and Teacher's Books - (Brigitte Mingkwan 1995) - The guide was designed to help immigrants and refugees, learners of English as a Second Language, prepare for employment in the United States. While the focus is on development of job search, application, and work environment skills, development of appropriate vocabulary, some grammar, and communication skills are also emphasized. Real Jobs for Real People
Powerful Phrases for Successful Interviews - (Т. Beshara - AMACOM, 2014. 240 рages) - The job market is awash with qualified applicants. Yet employers rarely select based solely on merit. Instead, most hiring decisions are gut-level evaluations made in the first few minutes of an interview. What people say determines who lands a job and who does not. Hiring expert Tony Beshara knows the words that trigger "yes" in the minds of employers-and in his handy new book, he arms candidates with hundreds of ready-to-use responses to even the toughest interview questions. Covering entry-level to executive positions and encompassing all industries, this quick-reference guide propels job seekers through every stage of the process. Readers learn power phrases to: Get their foot in the door. Clearly communicate their skills, strengths, and experience-and why they would be a perfect fit. Make a great impression at the crucial opening and close. Score high on the likability factor. Dispel lingering concerns about work history. Give follow-up emails real impact. Negotiate a strong job offer. And more After all, when it's time to choose between a candidate who is perfect on paper and one who is persuasive in person, there's no contest. Powerful Phrases for Successful Interviews gives you the right words to make the difference every time. Powerful Phrases for Successful Interviews
Power Verbs for Job Seekers: Hundreds of Verbs and Phrases to Bring Your Resumes, Cover Letters, and Job Interviews to Life - (MichaelFaulkner, Michelle Faulkner-Lunsford - FT Press, 2013) - Electrify all your job search communications and build the great career you want! The right verbs make you unforgettable powerfully demonstrate your value attract employers like moths to flame. Grab the right verb and use it the right way to: Craft outstanding résumés, cover letters, and thank-you notes. Draw attention to your best achievements and accomplishments. Get your face-to-face interview—and ace it Pitch yourself brilliantly, even if you only have a minute. Weave crucial soft skills expertise into your career communications. Prove you’re the person they’re looking for. Jam-packed with examples drawing on thousands of years of storytelling, literature, and experience Indispensable for everyone who wants a rewarding, successful, well-paid career! Power Verbs for Job Seekers
The Guide to Basic Cover Letter Writing Second Edition - (The Public Library Association - VGM Career Books, 2004) - Second Edition. —  Whether you’re changing careers, re-entering the job market, or looking for your first job, this comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide will show you how to: – Create a cover letter that highlights the experience and training that make you the ideal job candidate – Draw from dozens of sample letters for all types of positions to construct a template that works for your needs – Showcase your style and personality in a way the strict format of a resume doesn’t allow for – Grab the reader at first glance with professional quality proofreading, formatting, and printing – Keep your name on the short hiring list with polished post-interview follow-up correspondence – Take advantage of technology with electronic submissions and on-line job search strategies In today’s competitive job market, the importance of a clear, concise, carefully crafted cover letter is more important than ever before. Get it right and get the job with the help of The Guide to Basic Cover Letter Writing. Guide to Basic Cover Letter Writing
Successful Interviews - (James Moss - Business English Pod, 2008) - A comprehensive business English study guide to job interviews in English. Key Points to Consider for Job Interviews. Getting Started & Small Talk. Talking about your Previous Experience. Vivid Language for Describing your Abilities. Describing your Greatest Accomplishments. Discussing your Weaknesses. Handling Tough Questions. Asking the Interviewer Questions. Second Round Interviews. Comparing Candidates Abilities and Skills. Negotiating your Salary. Successful Interviews
201 best questions to ask you on your interview - (John Kador - McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2002) - John Kador is an independent business writer, journalist, and the author. of a number of books about careers and the Internet. The Rules of the Game. Why You Have to Question. Questions You Should Never Initiate. When to Question. Do Your Homework. Do You Mind If I take Notes? Interview the Interviewer. Questions for Headhunters, Recruiters, and Staffing Agencies. Questions for Human Resources. Questions for Hiring Managers. The Question Life Cycle. Exploring Questions. Defensive Questions. Feedback Questions. Bid-for-Action Questions. Questions for Superstars. You Got an Offer. Congratulations! 201 best questions to ask you on your interview
Writing Your CV. Top Tips for Standing out from the Crowd - (Englishtown, Inc., 2013) - A well written cover letter and clear CV are vital for securing a job interview. This guide to writing your CV tells you everything you need to know about putting together a grammatically correct CV that not only meets expections, but stands out from the crowd too. The illustrated eBook provides you with tips on how to best present yourself on paper using flawless English grammar, alongside useful examples of what an eye-catching cover letter and CV should look like in English. Divided into four parts, our eBook first tells you how to best introduce yourself professionally through your cover letter, follows this up with an example from fictional job seeker Clara, before explaining how to best present your skills and expertise in your CV and finally demonstrating this with another example from Clara. Today’s jobs market is more competitive than ever, so make your CV stand out from the crowd without grammatical errors and get a foot in the door to your dream career with this eBook! Writing Your CV
Interview English - Top Tips for Presenting Yourself Professional - (Englishtown, Inc., 2013) - The Interview English illustrated eBook provides the essential vocabulary you will need to impress an employer and take your career to the next level. With useful tips on how to successfully negotiate a salary package and tips on how to understand a new contract, your career progression in English just got a whole lot easier. Follow Carla on her search for the perfect job with practical examples to help you learn. See how she conveys professional expertise at interview and implement them in your own situation. Covering common questions to expect at an interview, along with practical vocabulary, techniques for negotiating a package worthy of your skills and important key terms to know when reading your contract, the eBook is a good guide to career success. Interview English
How to write a CV in English - (Bloomsbury International) - Whether you are a native or non-native English speaker, applying for a job in an English speaking country can be a difficult and scary task. In many Business English classes, you learn necessary skills such as how to have a successful interview. However, before you even get to the interview stage you need to impress your possible future employer with your CV. Как впечатлить будущего работодателя? Как написать резюме на английском, если это ваш второй язык? Какую информацию внести в резюме? -Образование, способности, интересы и т.д. Все эти вопросы рассмотрены в данной брошюре. How to write a CV in English
Next-Day Job Interview: Prepare Tonight and Get the Job Tomorrow - (Michael Farr J. - Jist Publishing 2008) - In this busy world, people don`t always have time to prepare for job interviews far in advance. This book distills JIST`s revolutionary and proven interview advice into seven quick chapters covering self-assessment, computer research, key questions, a system for answering any question that might come up, unusual situations, follow up after the interview, salary negotiation, and more. About the Author Mike Farr has been teaching, writing, and developing his job search techniques for over 20 years. He has written dozens of books that have sold over 2 million copies. Mike emphasizes practical, results-oriented methods that have been proven to reduce the time it takes to find a job. His commonsense advice has made his books the most widely used in job search programs. Next-Day Job Interview
ESLPOD Interview Questions Answered Book + Audio - (ESLPOD 2008) - This course is for anyone who wants to learn business English and how to communicate better with American business people. The course uses interview questions to introduce vocabulary useful for business situations, whether you want to get a job or to just be able to speak more easily with American businesses. You will learn two things in each lesson: 1. How best to answer this type of question in an American business setting; and. 2. How to use the right words and phrases to say what you want in a professional situation. Audio for Each Question: Part 1 – Listen to the tips on how to answer this question. Part 2 – Listen to sample answer one to this question (slow). Part 3 – Listen to an explanation of the answer and vocabulary. Part 4 – Listen to sample answer one at native-speaker rate (fast). Part 5 – Listen to sample answer two to this question (slow). Part 6 – Listen to an explanation of the answer and vocabulary. Part 7 – Listen to sample answer two at native-speaker rate (fast). Learning Guide for Each Question: Part 1 – Summary of the tips on how to answer this question. Part 2 – Text of the two sample answers. Part 3 – Glossary: a) Definitions of vocabulary in the sample answers. b) Sample sentences using vocabulary from the sample answers. Part 4 – Transcript of the entire lesson with every word spoken in the lesson. ESLPOD Interview Questions Answered
Your CV in English - (Marcus et Stéphanie Hurt - Éditions d’Organisation, 2004) - bUn guide pour concevoir un CV ou une lettre de motivation adaptés aux recruteurs étrangers, préparer un entretien en anglais, valoriser son expérience et ses compétences et postuler à l'international. Entièrement rédigé dans un anglais très simple il permet au candidat de penser directement dans cette langue. Пособие Маркуса и Стефани Хёрт на английском языке о правилах и тонкостях составления резюме на английском языке. Умение составлять резюме на английском языке стало обязательным условием получения хорошей работы в современном мире. Это руководство предназначено для соискателей, желающих научиться составлять резюме, почти 100% гарантирующее получение приглашения на собеседование в престижную международную компанию (ТНК) Your CV in English

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