Welcome to Our World National Geographic Cengage Learning english course for teenagers all levels download for free

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Welcome to Our World by National Geographic - 3-level series for very young learners of English




категория: УМК Welcome to Our World download
автор (author): Jill Korey O'Sullivan; Joan Kang Shin
издательство (publisher): National Geographic, Cengage Learning
год (year): 2015, 2022
язык (language): английский (American and British english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, Mp4, Doc
Описание: Welcome to Our World – трехступенчатый курс английского языка для детей дошкольного возраста от 4 лет, приступающих к изучению языка впервые. Разработан издательством National Geographic Learning. Охватывает уровень подготовки A1, Beginner по шкале CEFR. Серия Welcome to Our World нацелена на знакомство ребенка с окружающим миром. Дети познают его многообразие: виды животных и растений, континенты и страны, климат и ландшафт, различные культуры и многое другое. Особое внимание в Welcome to Our World уделяется развитию навыка восприятия речи на слух. Весь материал преподносится посредством игр, музыки и песенок, аутентичных фотографий National Geographic. Продолжением линейки считается курс Our World. Линейка дополнена платформой от сайта издательства, доступ к которой можно получить по паролю, прилагающемуся в книге для учителя. В личном кабинете представлен широкий спектр методических ресурсов, аудио- и видео, тесты и раздаточные материалы для преподавателей.

Welcome to Our World is a three-level pre-primary series that use traditional children's songs from around the world, with National Geographic photos and content, to introduce very young learners to the world of English.

Children learn English through music and rhythm, with songs sung by young learners around the world. Games and activities reinforce new language and concepts and make learning English fun. Beautiful photos from National Geographic capture the imagination of very young learners. The Professional Development video helps teachers use the songs and games effectively and gain more confidence in a very young learner classroom.

Welcome to Our World, Second Edition, a 3-level series for very young learners of English. Shape young global citizens and celebrate diversity through traditional songs sung by children around the world and global topics with real-world photos, content, and video. Prepare learners for school with projects, games and activities that practice academic, social-emotional, self-care, and motor skills with integrated values instruction. Teach confidently and engage parents with step-by-step lesson plans, classroom presentation support, professional development materials, and home-school resources. With preparation for literacy, numeracy, and phonics, and a focus on real communication in English, Welcome to Our World prepares very young learners to use English and join a world that’s waiting for them.

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Download Welcome to Our World First Edition American English:

Download Welcome to Our World Second British English Edition:

Download Welcome to Our World Second American English Edition:

See Also: Our World and Explore Our World

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