Explore Our World National Geographic Cengage Learning english course for teenagers all levels download for free

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Explore Our World by National Geographic
УМК английского языка начальный уровень




категория: УМК Explore Our World
автор (author): Diane Pinkley, Gabrielle Pritchard, Rob Sved, Kate Cory-Wright
издательство (publisher): National Geographic, Cengage Learning
год (year): 2015, 2021
язык (language): американский английский (American english) - American English
формат (format): PDF, MP3, DVD-Video, CD-exe
Описание: Explore Our World это новейший 6-ти уровневый учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для детей и подростков от издательства Национального Географического Общества США. Исследуйте наш мир - легкая и живая первичная серия на американском английском языке. Курс фокусируется на прослушивании и произношении, с веселым и увлекательным контентом National Geographic, изображениями и видео, чтобы у молодых учеников был необходимый язык, навыки и знания, необходимые им для понимания своего мира.

Данный УМК входит в серию "Наш Мир" Our World. перед изучением рекомендуется пройти учебник Our World Starter

Our World Starter can be used before both Our World and Explore Our World, and is for young learners with no previous exposure to English

Explore Our World is a light and lively primary series in American English. It focuses on listening, speaking, and pronunciation activities, supported by fun and fascinating National Geographic content, images, and video, to ensure young learners of English have the essential language, skills, and knowledge they need to understand their world.

Fun listening and speaking activities develop essential communication skills. The Sounds of English provides pronunciation practice in every unit.

About Authors: Diane Pinkley is former Director of the TC TESOL Certificate Program in the TESOL Program, Department of Arts and Humanities, at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City. She is a well-known teacher trainer and author in ESL/EFL, and has traveled around the world presenting academic papers and leading teacher training workshops. She has authored bestselling series for both children and adults, as well. Formerly the Director of the Institute of North American Studies in Badalona, Spain, and Curriculum Coordinator at the Michigan Language Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan, she has taught all levels of ESL and EFL.
Rob Sved is an EFL author based in Oxford, UK. Over the last 20 years, he has worked as a teacher, publisher, editor and author and specializes in developing materials for young learners.
Kate Cory-Wright is author of more than twenty ELT books, including primary, secondary, and adult materials. She is also an international teacher trainer, and has given over 500 ELT seminars and workshops across Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia. Recently, she has written an online course for teachers and delivered teacher training webinars. In her free time, she teaches English to Young Learners.

Achieve more with Explore Our World, Second Edition, a best-selling seven-level series for young learners of English.
Experience more of the real world with content that motivates learners to use English, including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video and incredible National Geographic Explorers.
Learn more about the world through cross-curricular topics that challenge learners and deepen their understanding of the world in English.
Help learners communicate more through extensive listening, speaking, and pronunciation work, and critical thinking activities that inspire meaningful thinking and sharing.
Explore Our World truly brings the world to the classroom and improves learning outcomes, motivating learners to use English to show the world what they can do – and achieve more.

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See Also: Our World and Welcome to Our World

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