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Select Readings by Oxford
American English reading skills series for upper secondary and university students




категория: адаптированная литература Select Readings Oxford
автор (author): Linda Lee, Erik Gundersen, Jean Bernard
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press
год (year): 2001-2011
язык (language): американский английский (american english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3
Описание: Коллекция занимательных текстов из аутентичных источников, направленных на развитие у учащихся навыков чтения, формирование словарного запаса. Тексты различной тематики повысят интерес к изучению языка, а упражнения помогут закрепить новую лексику. Select Readings (Second Edition) - второе издание пособия включило новыйурвень Elementary и ряд инноваций, получивших одобрение преподавателей по всему миру. Оно содержит тщательно отобранные тексты, чтобы научить студентов эффективно читать. Упражнения позволяют не только научиться навыкам чтения, но и развить навыки понимания речи, текста и проверить свой словарный запас слов. Курс снабжен СD-ROMом, содержащим ряд инноваций: новая программа по тестированию, тексты для чтения в формате экзамена TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS иGEPT. Мини Oxford American Dictionary помогает строить выражения и накапливать свой словарный запас.

Oxford's Select Readings - a teacher-approved American English reading skills series for upper secondary and university students.
Select Readings Second Edition contains a range of high interest reading texts approved by experienced teachers. This four-level American English reading course uses carefully selected reading texts to help students read effectively. Exercises before and after reading practise reading skills, check comprehension and build vocabulary. Select Readings also helps students prepare for exams, with the new Testing Program CD-ROM featuring tests in the style of TOEFL®, TOEIC®, IELTS and GEPT exams.
Select Readings Second Edition includes more reading than ever before. This new edition of the successful reading skills course features a brand new Elementary level, four new chapters in each book and 50% more reading content in every chapter. Each reading text is carefully selected to meet students’ needs, ensuring that the material is engaging, dynamic, topically relevant, and level appropriate.
Each chapter contains clear goals, focusing on developing a specific reading skill, such as scanning for details and identifying the main topic. The Building Vocabulary section focuses on word analysis skills such as learning word forms and understanding phrasal verbs. Words to Remember at the end of each chapter allow students to review key vocabulary.
Additional material includes the new Mini Oxford American Dictionary at the back of the book, to encourage understanding and develop vocabulary. Culture and language notes expand students’ knowledge of the world around them.

Key features:
- Even more reading – four new chapters in each book, 50% more reading content in every unit
- All new Elementary level completes four-level curriculum
- Reading texts approved by experienced teachers to ensure learner success
- Mini Oxford American Dictionary builds academic vocabulary skills
- Audio files for all main reading texts so students can learn on the go
- Testing Program CD-ROM simulates TOEFL®, TOEIC®, IELTS and GEPT exams
- Oxford iTools CD-ROM provides digital classroom resources ready for instant use
- NEW e-books with interactive features designed for language learning

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