Macmillan You and Me English Course for Little Kids Download for free keys
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Macmillan English for You and Me
English Course for Little Kids




категория: УМК английский язык Macmillan English for You and Me
автор (author): Naomi Simmons
издательство (publisher): Macmillan
год (year): 2007
язык (language): английский (British english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3
Описание: You and Me от издательства Макмиллан - подготовительный курс для детей, приступающих к изучению английского языка в начальной школе. Курс знакомит учащихся с английским алфавитом и каллиграфией. По окончании курса учащиеся овладевают навыками и умениями, необходимыми для общения на элементарном уровне.

You and Me is a two-level, topic-based course for young children learning English for the first time. The topics reflect the world of pre-school children and provide a natural context in which to present language. The course offers considerable flexibility in order to make the most productive use of material within different classroom situations. You and Me is a full-integrated course which incorporates an extensive phonics, reading, writing and numeracy programme.

The Pupil’s Book contains stories, songs, chants and games to keep children interested and motivated. At the bottom of each page there is a star shape on which the children can stick a star when they have completed a session. This will make them feel that they have worked hard, and will build their confidence and enthusiasm.
The Activity Book focuses on reading and writing practice through games and puzzles which are designed to help children develop pre-writing and writing skills. The activities also encourage speech. Each lesson contains a simple homework activity which will help to reinforce the material learnt already.
The Audio CD contains recordings of all the language taught in the course. It includes the stories, new vocabulary, dialogues, receptive listening activities, songs and chants. The recordings feature native-speaking adults exposing children to natural pronunciation. There are also great sound effects to help bring the material to life!
The Numbers Book makes number work fun! Like a children’s puzzle book, activities get the children counting and matching, joining the dots, tracing and writing numbers, completing pictures and playing number games.
The Teacher’s Book provides step-by-step plans for each lesson. There are core activities which cover the eight teaching sessions per week, as well as additional activities which can be used at the teacher's discretion. The Teacher's Book contains 18 photocopiable templates which support the art and craft activities, games and writing practice.
The Poster Pack contains 20 posters for teachers to use during lessons, as well as a poster of Jojo. Details about how to use them can be found in the lesson notes.
The Flashcards can be used to introduce new words, letters and numbers. There are also suggestions for how to use them in games and other activities in the Teacher's Book.

See also: Learning Stars and Academy Stars and Grammar Goals

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