Macmillan Learning Stars English Course for Little Kids Download for free keys
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Learning Stars by Macmillan
English Course for Little Kids




категория: УМК английский язык Learning Stars Macmillan
автор (author): Jeanne Perrett and Jill Leighton
издательство (publisher): Macmillan
год (year): 2014
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3, ISO
Описание: Learning Stars – учебный курс для дошкольников и учащихся начальных классов, приступающих к изучению английского языка. УМК разработан с акцентом на формировании умений в чтении, письме и счёте на английском языке у детей, для которых латинский алфавит не является родным. Обучение говорению строится на основе сюжетных историй, сценок и песен, делающих процесс обучения английскому языку живым и интересным.

Основные характеристики:

- эффективная методика обучения чтению;
- обучение счёту на английском языке в Maths Book;
- песни, интерактивные фонетические упражнения и сюжетные истории в Pupil’s CD-ROM;
- каждый раздел Extra special включает проектное задание;
- в Рабочую тетрадь включен «Дневник успеваемости», в котором ученик может фиксировать и оценивать результаты своей работы.

Learning Stars is a high level course for children learning English for the first time. The course includes a systematic phonics programme with reading and writing and a separate Maths Book introducing early number concept.
The course builds to school readiness and has a strong assessment strand to ensure children have the skills and capabilities to begin full-time schooling.
Learning Stars has funny and entertaining stories featuring Bella the butterfly who introduces vocabulary at the beginning of every unit and Horsey who is a regular member of the class.
Each level has drama and role play activities, memorable and lively songs and chants to help children retain language. Cross-curricular pages in every unit covering science, nature and a range of child-friendly Early Years topics.
Also featuring handwriting animation to help children with letter and number formation.
The Pupil’s Book Pack consists of a Pupil’s Book and CD-ROM. The Pupil’s Book is beautifully designed, with interesting material to engage children . Stories reinforce the material and ‘Act it out’ sections allow children to practise the language. The CD-ROM brings an interactive approach with songs, phonics practice and a picture dictionary.
The Activity Book reinforces and extends the language, concepts and skills from the Pupil’s Book. The activities recycle and extend language, providing extensive writing practice and additional activities. Designed for use after children have completed the relevant Pupil’s Book lesson, the Activity Book can be used in class or for homework.
The Audio CD contains all the listening activities and stories held within the Pupil’s Book. Perfect for class or home use.
The Maths Book introduces early number concepts and gets children counting and manipulating numbers in English quickly. The activities link to the Pupil’s Book and provides engaging and motivating activities for children acquiring a range of number skills.
The Teacher’s Book Pack contains a wealth of additional material which provides helpful support and useful ideas. The Print Teacher’s Book provides detailed instructions for each lesson, the accompanying DVD-ROM contains a projectable Digibook which is a great presenting tool and the webcode provides access to the Teacher’s Resource Centre.

Learning Stars is ideal with Academy Stars and Grammar Goals

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Download Learning Stars:

  • Little Learning Stars Pupil’s Book - ISBN: 9780230455856
  • Little Learning Stars Teacher's book - ISBN: 9780230487192
  • Little Learning Stars Class Audio Cds - ISBN: 9780230455870
  • Little Learning Stars Flashcards - ISBN: 9780230455887

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