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Pearson Longman First Certificate English download for free




Cambridge English: First, также известный как First Certificate in English (FCE), является квалификацией, проверяющей владение английским языком на уровне выше среднего. Сертификат свидетельствует о том, что Вы умеете общаться на английском языке в письменной и устной форме в повседневных ситуациях на работе или учебе.

Cambridge English: First, also known as the First Certificate in English (FCE), is an English language examination provided by Cambridge English Language Assessment (previously known as University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations). It is an upper-intermediate, international English language qualification that focuses on Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


First certificate games and activities - 2002 - Rawdon Wyatt, ISBN: 0582514649. *58 photocopiable activities that focus on the key skills needed for success in the examination *Wide variety of enjoyable and practical activities that will familiarise students with the exam format *Detailed teacher's notes giving step-by-step instructions, follow-up suggestions, timing of activities and full answer keys *Quick reference contents page showing the activity focus, activity type, time and preparation required *Most activities can be completed in 15-30 minutes
Test Your Vocabulary for FCE - 2002 - Rawdon Wyatt, Pearson Education Ltd. ISBN: 0582451752. 60 tests to practise the most important vocabulary at First Certificate level.
Wide variety of tests, including gap-fills, multiple choice, matching exercises, cartoons, and full answer key.
Tips on learning new vocabulary and preparing for the exam. Test Your Vocabulary for FCE - это часть популярной серии Test Your. Специально написанная для студентов, готовящихся к Cambridge First Certificate, книга включает 60 интересных тестов для практики ключевых словарных областей, затрагиваемых экзаменом. Подсказки и информационные таблицы, понятные объяснения и ответы ко всем тестам делают эту новую книгу серии более чем привлекательной.
Test Your Grammar and Usage for FCE - 2002 - Peter Watcyn-Jones, Jake Allsop, издательство (publisher): Longman, ISBN: 9780582451742. One of nine books in the Test Your series - language practice with a difference! Ideal for self-study and classroom use. 60 tests to practise the most important grammar at First Certificate level
Wide variety of tests, including gap-fills, multiple choice, matching exercises, cartoons, and full answer key Tips on specific grammar points and how best to prepare for the exam
Fce Practice Tests Plus 1 with Key - 2000 - N. Kenny, L. Luque-Mortimer. ISBN: 0582405807. формат (format): PDF, MP3. The Practice Tests Plus series introduces students to exam formats and provides step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to maximise their chances of excelling. The eight complete practice tests in the book are as authentic as possible and provide FCE candidates with excellent practice opportunities. The level is well judged, and there is a good variety of themes and topics to maintain interest.
Fce Practice Tests Plus 2 with Key - 2000 - N. Kenny, L. Luque-Mortimer. ISBN: 0582405807. формат (format): PDF, MP3. The Practice Tests Plus series introduces students to exam formats and provides step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to maximise their chances of excelling. The eight complete practice tests in the book are as authentic as possible and provide FCE candidates with excellent practice opportunities. The level is well judged, and there is a good variety of themes and topics to maintain interest.
FCE Practice Tests Plus 2 - 2011. Lucrecia Luque-Mortimer, Nick Kenny - ISBN: 978-1-4082-6889-5. Practice Tests Plus offers teachers all they need to prepare their students for the Cambridge ESOL exams. Practice Tests Plus provides authentic practice, comprehensive guidance and strategies for dealing with each part of the exam. This new edition of FCE Practice Test Plus 2 includes: - eight complete practice tests, - audio CDs with complete material for the Listening tests, - tailed overviews of each exam paper - full colour visual material for the Speaking tests, - guidance, strategies and tips on each paper, - Speaking and Writing files with model answers and useful language.
FCE Practice Tests Plus 2 - New Edition 2015 - Kenny Nick, Luque-Mortimer Lucrecia. The book includes five practice tests which provide step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to maximise the students' chances of excelling. It all in all provides FCE candidates with plenty of practice opportunities, taking into account the new format of the exam (starting January 2015)
This post includes both Book with Key and Audio files.
Longman Fast Track to FCE - 2004 - Alan Stanton, Mary Stephens. - St.book,Work book,Teach.book,Tests,CDs pdf+mp3. Great topics and an up-to-date design keep students interested.Clear and attractive double-page spreads make this course accessible and easy to use. Each unit covers a key topic area and is packed with related vocabulary. Grammar and vocabulary work is clearly relevant to exam tasks. Exam strategy boxes provide step-by-step techniques for tackling each task. A complete Practice Test provides the opportunity for timed exam practice. Comprehensive reference material makes revision easier.
Longman The FCE Grammar ROM - Обучающая программа. Включает в себя 5 полноформатных вариантов экзамена FCE (First Certificate in English) в электронном виде. Каждый вариант состoит из следующих разделов: Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening, Speaking. Ваши результаты фиксируются и хранятся в базе пользователей. Вы сможете вернуться к тому заданию, на котором Вы остановились в последний раз работы с программой. Можно выбрать один из двух вариантов прохождения: с ограничением по времени или без него. Очень удобный и качественный мультимедийный вариант программы для работы с тем или иным аспектом подготовки к сдаче FCE.
Longman First Certificate Gold Pack - 2000-2008 - Jacky Newbrook, Richard Acklam, Judith Wilson. The Gold series builds students' confidence by providing carefully graded preparation for the Cambridge exams combined with thorough language development. "New First Certificate: Gold" features all new content while retaining the winning Gold approach that has made it popular with both students and teachers, whether they are aiming for exam excellence or simply greater confidence in English. Gold создает уверенность студентов, обеспечивая тщательно классифицированную подготовку к Кембриджским экзаменам, объединенным с полным языковым развитием. "New First Certificate: Gold" показывает все новое содержание, сохраняя победный подход Gold, который сделал его известным и студентам и учителям, вне зависимости от того, стремятся ли они к превосходному экзамену или просто большей уверенности в английском языке.
Longman FCE Gold Plus Pack - CoursEbook with Audio CDs and CD-ROM, Exam Maximiser with key and Audio CDs, Teacher's book. 2008. Jacky Newbrook, Judith Wilson, Richard Acklam. издательство (publisher): Pearson Longman. формат (format): PDF, mp3, iso. NEW for the December 2008 exam, Gold Plus is the updated edition of Gold, the trusted exam preparation course for adult and young adult learners. It combines a thorough exam syllabus with enjoyable topics and tasks making it a popular choice for teachers around the world.
Longman First Certificate Skills Read and Write - 1989 - Roy Kingsbury, Guy Wellman - Read and Write has been specially written for students studying for the First Certificate Examination. More specifically, it aims to give practice in the skills and language needed in the Reading Comprehension Paper 1 and Composition Paper 2 of the examination. It is ideally suited for use with a full First Certificate course, but is equally useful for the general post-intermediate student who wants to improve his or her reading and writing. The book contains 20 Units. The first 18 Units follow the same Unit format, while Units 19 and 20 aim to give final guidance and advice for taking the two Papers. Units 1-18 are each divided into three parts, A, B and C.
Get on Track to FCE - The pre-FCE course that gives students a solid grounding in the language, skills and task types tested in the exam. In a year students are ready to make the most of their FCE course and go for that ‘A’ grade.
The Language Practice Workbook provides: follow-up homework for the coursEbook lessons, consolidation of grammar and vocabulary presented in the coursEbook, graded practice for Paper 3 (Use of English), additional practice for Paper 2 (Writing), a progress check after every four units.
Longman Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge FCE First Edition - Designed for Upper Intermediate students. An innovative approach particularly relevant to the First Certificate Exam (FCE) *Thorough grammar review. Detailed information concentrating on points tested in the exam, and a wealth of examples based on the Longman corpus. *A focus on vocabulary. Concentration on word formation, confusable words, and on common words and phrases that are useful in numerous situations *Lots of opportunity to practise.
Longman Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Second Edition - For Preparing students for the Cambridge English First exam. A flexible Approach for Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate students (CEFR Level: B2) Integrated Grammar and Vocabulary Practice for Preparing students for the Cambridge First exam. It can be USED to Accompany an exam Preparation course or on ITS own for Grammar Reference and Practice Grammar for Cambridge First Thorough review of Key Grammar points tested in the exam with Thousands of corpus-based example sentences Showing Natural English in authentic contexts A Wealth of Practice exercises for specific targeted Grammar points on the examCambridge Vocabulary for First Focus on essential words and Phrases That you need to know to Write About A Wide range of Topics Word Store at the back of the book focuses on lexical Topics and Areas That are Important to know for the exam.
Longman Think First Certificate - Jon Naunton, ISBN: 0582276284. 2011. The ideal preparatory course for students at Pre-FCE level. Think Ahead to FC provides a solid foundation in English, placing its focus on accuracy of language.
- All four skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking, are combined with a particular emphasis on vocabulary and grammar
- Training in exam skills and techniques required for the FCE
- A rich variety of topics as a stimulating context for language learning
- Helpful Study guide
- 3 tests to prepare students for the year ahead
Longman First Certificate Expert Full Pack - Richard Mann with Jan Bell, Roger Gower. First Certificate Expert gives students solid exam training while developing their language awareness. The course has a flexible structure with 24 short units linked in modules by theme allowing teachers to tailor the course to their own requirements if needed. Alternate units focus on either Reading and Writing or Listening and Speaking . The course is 120 hours .The Student's Resource Book provides extra practice including additional topic related exam tasks and a complete practice test. The Teacher's Resource Book contains photocopiable activities for communicative practice. If your adult and young adult students are serious about exam success, then Expert is for you. This course delivers the rigorous exam training and thorough language development that will have your students scoring top marks every time. What’s special about FCE Expert? Reassure your students with the integrated exam tips and strategies as well as regular review sections. Thorough, step-by-step skills development guides both teachers and students towards exam success in writing and speaking. Encourage self study using the extensive reference material including exam material, grammar, writing and functions. Assure your students of exam success with a huge amount of practice and tips
Focus on First Certificate: Practice Tests with Guidance for the Revised Exam. This book offers five complete tests in the style and format of the revised First Certificate examination, together with additional support - Test 1 includes detailed guidance on how to approach each question in all five papers. This support is followed up on Tests 2 and 3 with regular reminders and hints on strategy. The key facts about the Examination are given in a lively introductory section. The explanatory notes and guidance in examination strategies enable the student to benefit from the practice tests in a way which promotes confidence.
Смотрите также - See Also: Cambridge Fce Collection, Oxford Fce Collection, Longman Fce Collection, FCE Courses Collection

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