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English Pronunciation in Use: Elementary - Intermediate - Advanced




категория: произношение - Cambridge English Pronunciation in Use
автор (author): Mark Hancock, Sylvie Donna, Jonathan Marks, Martin Hewings
издательство (publisher): Cambridge University Press
год (year): 2003, 2005, 2007
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3, WMA, CD-Exe (ISO)
Описание: Предлагаем Вам скачать замечательную Кембриджскую серию учебников фонетики английского языка. Данный трехуровневый современный и очень популярный УМК от издательства Cambridge University Press уже стал классическим курсом отработки произношения английского языка. Тренируйте произношение и изучайте английскую фонетику эффективно.
English Pronunciation in Use Elementary:
The best-selling English Pronunciation in Use is a comprehensive reference and practice book suitable for self-study or classroom work. Fifty easy-to-use units cover all aspects of pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation. Each unit is supported by audio material in a range of accents, available on audio CD. An additional reference section offers a glossary of specialized terms, help with the pronunciation of numbers and geographical names and fun exercises on phonemic symbols and minimal pairs.
The CD-ROM provides a wide variety of additional interactive activities to reinforce the pronunciation covered in the book, as well as tests, progress checks, games and animated diagrams of the mouth showing learners how to produce individual sounds. Students can also record themselves and compare their pronunciation with one of the many models provided.
English Pronunciation in Use Elementary includes 5 sections: A. Sounds and spelling, B. syllables and words, C. Phrases, sentences and grammar, D. Conversation, E. Reference.

English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate:
English Pronunciation in Use is a comprehensive reference and practice book for learners of intermediate level and above and can be used by individual learners working alone, or in class. The book focuses on pronunciation for listening as well as speaking and includes both receptive and productive practice. There are 60 easy-to use units with key pronunciation points presented on the left-hand page with a range of exercises on the facing right-hand page. All units are supported with audio material which is available in cassette or CD format. The audio material uses a clear model of a standard British accent for presentation and repetition exercises. In receptive exercises different accents used to give learners the opportunity to listen to a range of English accents. There is a useful reference section including phonemic symbols and sound pairs, a self-diagnostic test, a guide for speakers of specific languages and glossary.

English Pronunciation in Use Advanced:
The best-selling English Pronunciation in Use is a comprehensive reference and practice book suitable for self-study or classroom work.
Sixty easy-to-use units cover all aspects of pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation. Each unit is supported by audio material in range of accents, available on audio CD. An additional reference section offers a glossary of specialized terms, help with the pronunciation of numbers and geographical names and fun exercises on phonemic symbols and minimal pairs.
The CD-ROM provides a wide variety of additional interactive activities to reinforce the pronunciation covered in the book, as well as tests, progress checks, games and animated diagrams of the mouth showing learners how to produce individual sounds. Students can also record themselves and compare their pronunciation with one of the many models provided.

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