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Skyrocket by Richmond
American English Course for Primary School Children




категория: английский язык для детей Skyrocket Richmond
автор (author): Sarah Fash, Andrew Starling, Lindsay Ruggles, Sarah Conway
издательство (publisher): Richmond
год (year): 2020
язык (language): американский английский (American english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3, Mp3, DVD-EXE
Описание: Skyrocket от издательства Ричмонд — это учебно-методический комплекс американского английского языка из шести уровней для учеников начальной школы. Каждый блок основан на содержании, побуждая детей сосредоточиться на теме, а не на представленных структурах и словарном запасе. Серия имеет прочную, структурированную программу грамматики с индуктивным подходом. Раздел Skyrocket to Literature каждые три блока помогает ученикам получать удовольствие от чтения, в то время как различные увлекательные занятия, такие как игры, песни и головоломки, подходят для разных типов интеллекта и стилей обучения. Skyrocket предлагает ряд компонентов для поощрения развития разных интересов, способностей и навыков. Среди них — ценностные занятия, коммуникативные грамматические игры, занятия для праздников, многофункциональные занятия по развитию интеллекта и многое другое.

Skyrocket by Richmond is a six-level series for primary school students. Each unit is content- based, encouraging children to focus on the topic rather than on the structures and vocabulary presented. The series has a solid, structured grammar syllabus, with an inductive approach. A Skyrocket to Literature section every three units helps students to experience reading for pleasure, while a variety of fun activities, such as games, songs and puzzles, cater to different types of intelligences and learning styles. Skyrocket offers a range of components to encourage the development of different interests, abilities and skills. Among these are value activities, communicative grammar games, activities for holidays, multiple intelligence activities and more.

The Student’s Book offers a wide variety of fun activities, such as games, songs, puzzles and more, in order to cater to different types of intelligences and learning styles. Each unit displays a wealth of photos and illustrations that make it attractive for each level.
The Practice Book offers structured activities that help reinforce and consolidate the vocabulary and grammar from the unit. Each unit ends with a journal page for students to reflect on the things they enjoyed the most and the least.
The Grammar Book contains 9 units, 6 pages each, for the student to practice the grammar points from the Student’s Book in a controlled but fun way. A review section every 3 units includes songs to help students learn the grammar through a rhythm. A Teacher’s Booklet features ideas on how to work with grammar, along with tests and an Audio CD.
The students’ CD - includes the songs, the stories and extra listening comprehension practice.
Practice Tests Booklets have been designed to work as an additional tool for teachers that can be used not only to review the topics studied in class but also to consolidate them based on an internationally-accepted test format. An opportunity for students to practice the format of young learners’ certifications using the content they have seen throughout the six levels of the series. Each level has a booklet divided into four tests. With the exception of Level 1, the first test of each booklet is a compilation of the topics seen in previous levels. In the case of Level 1, Test 1 can be used as a diagnostic evaluation since it contains topics that could have been covered in preschool. The Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking sections of the Skyrocket Practice Tests Booklets have been carefully written, and take into account the 2020 changes made to the certifications for young learners.

With Skyrocket students will:

- Experiment with language and develop more autonomy with the inductive grammar approach.
- Learn critical thinking and life skills.
- Develop receptive and productive skills.
- Take pleasure in reading with the Skyrocket to Literature sections.

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