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Read Right by Longman Pearson
6-level series that complements any primary to secondary English textbook




категория: УМК Read Right download
автор (author): Viviana Castilla, Susana Ramírez Félix, Aldaco Cruz, Ismael Leos
издательство (publisher): Longman Pearson
год (year): 2019
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, DVD-Exe
Описание: Серия пособий для изученя английского языка Read Right (Прочтите правильно!) от Лонгман Пирсон помогает студентам лучше читать и писать, а также понимать характеристики различных типов текстов. Это 6-уровневая серия, которая дополняет любой учебник для начальной и средней школы. Каждый урок чтения начинается с короткого текста, в котором предварительно учат навыку, за которым следует другой текст и различные упражнения на понимание, лексику и письмо. Первые уровни начинаются с таких понятий, как основная идея и детали, порядок событий, выводы, фантазия и реальность, факт и мнение, а также персонаж. По мере того, как учащийся переходит на более высокий уровень, приобретенные навыки чтения и письма усложняются. К концу серии учащиеся овладевают навыками литературного анализа (сюжет, персонажи, тема и сеттинг), сравнения и противопоставления, перефразирования, распознавания цели и точки зрения автора, среди прочего.

Read Right helps students become better readers and writers and understand the characteristics of different types of texts. It’s a 6-level series that complements any primary to secondary textbook. Suitable for 6-12 year old. 3-5 hours of English per week. Each reading lesson begins with a short text where the skill is pre-taught, and it’s followed by another text and a variety of comprehension, vocabulary and writing activities. The first levels begin with concepts such as main idea and details, order of events, drawing conclusions, fantasy and reality, fact and opinion, and character. As the learner advances to higher levels, the reading and writing skills acquired are more challenging. By the end of the series, learners are skilled in literary analysis (plot, characters, theme and setting), comparing and contrasting, paraphrasing, recognizing the author’s purpose and point of view, among others.
- Reading selections cover a wide-range of literary genres: narrative, descriptive, imaginative expository and persuasive.
- Writing sections focus on prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing.

Key Features:

- A methodology that is easy to follow.
- Gives teachers and students the opportunity and the resources for sustained and explicit reading comprehension instruction.
- Although the main focus is on reading comprehension, Read Right! covers all four skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.
- 21st Century Skills embedded throughout the course help students develop essential skills for life and support classroom management.
- Mapped to the Global Scale of English. GSE descriptors are used as objectives and for self-assessment in every unit, so it’s easy to track progress.
- Students will read a wide variety of selections from different genres such as: narrative, descriptive, imaginative, expository, persuasive, etc.
- Students will also learn and practice reading comprehension strategies such as: using details, identifying the main idea, summarizing, drawing conclusions, sequence of events, and many more. These strategies will be useful not only in English but also in their native language.
- Evaluation tools that you will find in the end matter and include 9 assessments with an Answer Key.A methodology that is easy to follow.

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  • Read Right Level A Students Book - ISBN: 9786073250016
  • Read Right Level A Teachers Edition - ISBN: 9786073250191
  • Read Right Level A ActiveTeach - ISBN: 9786073250245
  • Read Right Level A Cue cards - ISBN: 9789702633471
  • Read Right Level B Students Book - ISBN: 9786073250023
  • Read Right Level B Teachers Edition - ISBN: 9786073250085
  • Read Right Level B ActiveTeach - ISBN: 9786073-50276
  • Read Right Level B Cue cards - ISBN: 9789702633488
  • Read Right Level C Students Book - ISBN: 9786073250030
  • Read Right Level C Teachers Edition - ISBN: 9786073250207
  • Read Right Level C ActiveTeach - ISBN: 9786073250283
  • Read Right Level C Cue cards - ISBN: 9789702633495
  • Read Right Level D Students Book - ISBN: 9786073250047
  • Read Right Level D Teachers Edition - ISBN: 9786073250214
  • Read Right Level D ActiveTeach - ISBN: 9786073250269
  • Read Right Level D Cue cards - ISBN: 9789702633501
  • Read Right Level E Students Book - ISBN: 9786073250054
  • Read Right Level E Teachers Edition - ISBN: 9786073250221
  • Read Right Level E ActiveTeach - ISBN: 9786073250252
  • Read Right Level E Cue cards - ISBN: 9789702633518
  • Read Right Level F Students Book - ISBN: 9786073250054
  • Read Right Level F Teachers Edition - ISBN: 9786073250092
  • Read Right Level F ActiveTeach - ISBN: 9786073250238
  • Read Right Level F Cue cards - ISBN: 9789702633525

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