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Oxford International Primary - Programme for schools that teach in English




Категория: УМК Oxford International Primary
автор (author): Peter Rebman, Helen Crawford, Anthony Cotton, Caroline Clissold, Linda Glithro, Janet Rees, Cherri Moseley, Mary Wood, Terry Jennings, Terry Hudson, Alan Haigh, Geraldine Shaw, Deborah Roberts, Judith Amery, Alison Page, Diane Levine, Karl Held ..
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press
год (year): 2014-2019
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, Avi, CD-Exe
Oxford International Primary - масштабная серия ультра-современных пособий для начальной школы по разным предметам. Она предназначена для школ, в которых обучение происходит на английском языке. Полная программа включает в себя математику, естественные науки, вычислительную технику, географию, историю, обществознание, а также возможность изучения английского языка в соответствии с потребностями вашей школы.

Oxford International Primary - programme provides the best and most comprehensive support for schools where subjects are taught in English. The full programme includes Maths, Science, Computing, Geography, History, Social Studies, and an English option to suit your school’s needs.

Key Features:

- An enquiry-based approach to learning
- The whole package – includes the full range of primary subjects
- In-built language support to ensure genuine understanding
- Suitable for various international and national curricula
- Comprehensive teacher support, including professional developmen
- Online support on Oxford Owl.

Oxford International Primary Maths takes a problem solving approach to mathematics that helps students discover, explore and connect with mathematics. Packed with interesting activities and problems, the course also contains support for EAL learners.

Oxford International Primary Science takes an enquiry-based approach to learning, engaging students in the topics through asking questions that make them think and activities that encourage them to explore and practise

Oxford International Primary Geography - a complete six year primary geography course that provides an engaging introduction to geography. Using real life examples from around the globe, the course covers key aspects of both human and physical geography, from the basics of mapping to more complex topics such as the pros and cons of ecotourism and how to meet the resource needs of the world’s growing population.

Oxford International Primary Computing - A complete six year primary computing course that takes a real-life, project-based approach to teaching young learners the vital computing skills they will need for the digital world. Each unit builds a series of skills towards the creation of a final project, with topics ranging from designing your own robot to programming simple games and creating an online yearbook.

Oxford International Primary History inspires students to ask questions, explore topics independently, and formulate their own conclusions, as well as building useful cross-curricular skills that will benefit students’ future lives.

Oxford Primary Social Studies is a complete six-year Primary course which provides an engaging introduction to the key areas of Social Studies. It has been developed specifically for the Middle East and pays particular attention to the cultural requirements of the region. The course offers a structured syllabus covering citizenship, history, cultural studies, geography and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education).

Oxford International Primary Atlas is clear, bright and informative. It includes up-to-date country data, easy-to-read colourful mapping, and worldwide topographic content, including areas such as Europe, Malta, Cyprus, Middle East, Malaysia and Hong Kong. It features key geographical themes such as landscapes, water, settlements, connections, and environments. Information is presented in an accessible format based on research into how young children use maps, and easy-to-use features include learning statements to summarize each theme, focus panels to prompt independent or group enquiry, innovative grid codes to help children find places listed in the index, many colourful photographs to aid children's understanding of map symbols, attractive artwork to provide a 'sense of place', and stimulating graphics to make large numbers easy to understand.

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Download Oxford International Primary Series:

  • Oxford International Primary Atlas - ISBN: 978-0-19-848022-8
  • Oxford International Primary Science Assessment Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-836533-4
  • Oxford International Primary Science 1 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839489-1
  • Oxford International Primary Science 2 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839490-7
  • Oxford International Primary Science 3 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839491-4
  • Oxford International Primary Science 4 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839492-1
  • Oxford International Primary Science 5 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839493-8
  • Oxford International Primary Science 6 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839494-5
  • Oxford International Primary Maths Assessment Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-836534-1
  • Oxford International Primary Maths 1 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839471-6
  • Oxford International Primary Maths 2 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839472-3
  • Oxford International Primary Maths 3 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839473-0
  • Oxford International Primary Maths 4 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839474-7
  • Oxford International Primary Maths 5 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839475-4
  • Oxford International Primary Maths 6 Digital Resource Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-839476-1
  • Oxford International Primary Social Studies 1 Student Book - ISBN: 978-0-19-835681-3
  • Oxford International Primary Social Studies 2 Student Book - ISBN: 978-0-19-835682-0
  • Oxford International Primary Social Studies 3 Student Book - ISBN: 978-0-19-842324-9
  • Oxford International Primary Social Studies 4 Student Book - ISBN: 978-0-19-835684-4
  • Oxford International Primary Social Studies 5 Student Book - ISBN: 978-0-19-835685-1
  • Oxford International Primary Social Studies 6 Student Book - ISBN: 978-0-19-835686-8
  • Oxford International Primary Social Studies Teacher's Guide - ISBN: 978-0-19-835687-5

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