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Our Stories by Longman Pearson - six-level English series for primary school learners




категория: УМК - Longman Our Stories pearson
автор (author): Leonor Corradi, Cecillia Pena Koessler, Sarah Hillyard
издательство (publisher): Longman Pearson
год (year): 2020
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3
Описание: УМК «Космические дети» издательства Лонгман Пирсон - трехуровневый курс для школьников 9-13 лет. Соответствует уровням A1-B1 (Starter - Pre-Intermediate). Курс обеспечивает сбалансированное развитие всех коммуникативных навыков, позволяет эффективно обучить грамматике и лексике в игровой форме. Курс снабжен современными цифровыми компонентами, привлекательными для детей данного возраста. Анимационные персонажи и их истории, интерактивные игры, песни, проектные задания и материалы для сценических постановок сделают процесс обучения увлекательным для школьников и результативным для учителей.

Our Stories is a six-level series for primary school learners, ages 6 to 11, which focuses on educating the individual as a whole and in so doing, helping them become active and involved 21st century citizens. In order to achieve this, it is based on the following pillars. The series aims at the cognitive, social and affective development of the learner. Hence, through the stories and activities that are proposed, Our Stories taps on the following areas of awareness: learning strategies, study skills, organisation skills, intercultural aspects, inclusive classrooms, ESI, critical thinking, collaboration skills and Citizenship. Language is part of our everyday life, as is culture. Language is not used in isolation but embedded as part of our world. Language is about constructing meaning. Therefore, language use has to be meaningful, meaningfulness being different for different groups. Opportunities are created by presenting motivating and meaningful activities and situations in which learners can feel identified and through which they can also enlarge on their own experiences. Learners become active agents who construct meaning in keeping with their age and cognitive, social and affective development. According to John Mc Rae (1991:1-7), there are two types of language: referential and representational. The idea behind this series is not use one or the other but both. Each level introduces characters of about the same age as the learners, who interact in different contexts: their school, their homes and their surroundings. As children grow older, the world opens up to them. The characters in each of the level come from different cultures and interact with one another creating a rich intercultural environment. The inclusion of children of different ethnic groups not only enriches children’s own cultures but contributes to valuing local cultures as well. There is always one character who is an Other, one who invites us to consider otherness and sameness since they share characteristics with human beings, yet present a different perspective. This character encourages learners to defamiliarize the world they live in and to see it through his or her eyes. This, in turn, contributes to the development of citizenship.

Let’s dive into Our Stories, a world of amazing stories, enjoyable challenges and wonderful learning experiences

  • Stories help learners construct meaning and use language naturally while learning about other cultures.
  • 21st Century skills are actively developed in all the activities and projects.
  • STEAM Challenges provide great opportunities for learners to explore, experiment and create whilehaving fun.
  • Dyslexic-friendly features and layout provide support for dyslexic learners.

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