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Learn to Speak English 9.0 Deluxe 4 CD Edition
Учимся говорить по-английски - обучающая программа




категория: обучающие программы Learn to Speak English
автор (author): The Learning Company
издательство (publisher): The Learning Company
год (year): 2009
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): CD-EXE (ISO)
Описание: Предлагаем Вам скачать одно из лучших в своем роде компьютерное программное обеспечение для изучения английского языка.
Learn to Speak English 9.0 Deluxe Edition - это четырех дисковый интерактивный курс, предназначенный для самостоятельного изучения. Всеобъемлющие материалы по грамматике, лексике, фонетике английского языка.

Теория и практика четырех основных разделов: Говорение , Чтение, Письмо, Аудирование.

Множество мини-игр, картинок, аудиоматериалов и других мультимедийных составляющих, разработанных лучшими специалистами в область компьютерных образовательных технологий, делают процесс обучения насыщенных и всесторонним.
Более 50 языковых уроков, десятки аудио-уроков, встроенный словарь, программа коррекции произношения, сотни практических упражнений - все это доступно на 4 CD.

Learn to speak, read, and write English with natural confidence:
2 full years worth of robust, convenient, and engaging curriculum.
Over 50 lessons, hundreds of exercises, and refreshing games and puzzles.
Easy record and playback capabilities; upgraded speech recognition engine.
Includes audio lessons on CD and a 115-page reference bookImmerse yourself in the English language! Learn to speak, read, and write with natural confidence. Featuring two full years worth of robust, engaging curriculum, Learn to Speak English Deluxe offers a convenient, comprehensive language study solution. Whether you’re planning a vacation, traveling for work, or just brushing up your skills for fun, the award-winning Learn to Speak program brings your goals within reach.

Designed by language education specialists, the Learn to Speak system is easily tailored to help you learn English on your own terms. At the heart of the Learn to Speak system is the software program, featuring 35 lessons of core curriculum and 16 Extended Practice lessons. The program offers all the benefits of a structured language course, but also provides the flexibility to accommodate your individual needs and interests. And with fully-coordinated curriculum across three platforms–the core PC program, audio lessons on CD, and a 115-page reference book with printable grammar exercises–you have the flexibility to learn wherever and whenever it suits you.

Target vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, reading, and writing skills with over 50 lessons and hundreds of exercises.
Find the ideal starting point for you with a quick but thorough diagnostic pre-test.
Customize your studies by following the general track or focus on specific topics that interest you most.
Perfect your accent with easy record and playback capabilities and an upgraded speech recognition engine that compares your pronunciation to a native speaker’s.Hone your listening and speaking skills in simulated real-world interactions with native speakers.
Enrich your studies with fascinating cultural movies exploring the sights and sounds of popular US cities.
Break up your lessons with a selection of refreshing games and puzzles.
Use the Talking Dictionary to easily access translations and pronunciations.

Внимание! Ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с инструкцией и правилами

Learn to Speak English 9.0 Deluxe Edition CD 1
Learn to Speak English 9.0 Deluxe Edition CD 2
Learn to Speak English 9.0 Deluxe Edition CD 3
Learn to Speak English 9.0 Deluxe Edition CD 4

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