Imagine - Primary and Young Learners English Course National Geographic english course all levels Download for free
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Imagine - Primary and Young Learners English Course by National Geographic
курс английского языка для младших классов




категория: Imagine - Primary and Young Learners English Course Imagine download
автор (author): Katherine Bilsborough, Daniel Barber, Rachel Wilson, Gregg Schroeder
издательство (publisher): National Geographic, Cengage Learning
год (year): 2023
язык (language): American and British English
формат (format): PDF, MP3, FLV
Описание: Imagine - курс английского языка для детей младшего школьного возраста, с захватывающим контентом от National Geographic, упрощает знакомство любопытных юных учеников с миром и всем, что в нем есть. Пошаговая презентация языка и структурированная практика дают детям необходимый им английский. Теперь каждый может изучать английский, узнавая о мире — и получать удовольствие! Учащиеся сразу начинают говорить с поддержкой полезных моделей разговора и возможностей для общения и сотрудничества. Увлекательные фонические уроки и игры помогают юным ученикам связывать английские буквы и их звуки, чтобы стать независимыми читателями. Песни, песнопения и игры отрабатывают и закрепляют концепции и основной язык в игровой и осмысленной форме.

Bringing the real world to your classroom is now as easy as ABC! With exciting content from National Geographic, Imagine makes it simple to introduce curious young learners to the world and everything in it. Step-by-step language presentation and structured practice give children the English they need. Now, everyone can learn English while learning about the world—and having fun! Students get speaking right away with the support of useful conversation models and opportunities for communication and collaboration. Engaging phonics lessons and games help young learners connect English letters and their sounds to become independent readers. Songs, chants, and games practice and reinforce concepts and essential language in a playful and meaningful way.

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Download Imagine American English First Edition:

Download Imagine British English First Edition:

  • Imagine British Starter Students book - ISBN: 9780357911532
  • Imagine British Starter Workbook - ISBN: 9780357911815
  • Imagine British Starter Reading Anthology - ISBN: 9780357912171
  • Imagine British Starter Audio
  • Imagine British Starter Video
  • Imagine British Starter Teachers book - ISBN: 9780357911884
  • Imagine British Starter Teachers Resources
  • Imagine British Starter Exams and Tests
  • Imagine British Starter Flashcards - ISBN: 9780357911952
  • Imagine British 1 Students book - ISBN: 9780357911570
  • Imagine British 1 Workbook - ISBN: 9780357911822
  • Imagine British 1 Reading Anthology - ISBN: 9780357912188
  • Imagine British 1 Audio
  • Imagine British 1 Video
  • Imagine British 1 Teachers book - ISBN: 9780357911891
  • Imagine British 1 Teachers Resources
  • Imagine British 1 Exams and Tests
  • Imagine British 1 Flashcards - ISBN: 9780357911983
  • Imagine British 2 Students book - ISBN: 9780357911617
  • Imagine British 2 Workbook - ISBN: 9780357911839
  • Imagine British 2 Reading Anthology - ISBN: 9780357912195
  • Imagine British 2 Audio
  • Imagine British 2 Video
  • Imagine British 2 Teachers book - ISBN: 9780357911907X
  • Imagine British 2 Teachers Resources
  • Imagine British 2 Exams and Tests
  • Imagine British 2 Flashcards - ISBN: 9780357912010X
  • Imagine British 3 Students book - ISBN: 9780357911655
  • Imagine British 3 Workbook - ISBN: 9780357911846
  • Imagine British 3 Reading Anthology - ISBN: 9780357912201
  • Imagine British 3 Audio
  • Imagine British 3 Video
  • Imagine British 3 Teachers book - ISBN: 9780357911914
  • Imagine British 3 Teachers Resources
  • Imagine British 3 Exams and Tests
  • Imagine British 3 Flashcards - ISBN: 9780357912041
  • Imagine British 4 Students book - ISBN: 9780357911693
  • Imagine British 4 Workbook - ISBN: 9780357911853
  • Imagine British 4 Reading Anthology - ISBN: 9780357912218
  • Imagine British 4 Audio
  • Imagine British 4 Video
  • Imagine British 4 Teachers book - ISBN: 9780357911921
  • Imagine British 4 Teachers Resources
  • Imagine British 4 Exams and Tests
  • Imagine British 4 Flashcards - ISBN: 9780357912072
  • Imagine British 5 Students book - ISBN: 9780357911730
  • Imagine British 5 Workbook - ISBN: 9780357911860
  • Imagine British 5 Reading Anthology - ISBN: 9780357912225
  • Imagine British 5 Audio
  • Imagine British 5 Video
  • Imagine British 5 Teachers book - ISBN: 9780357911938
  • Imagine British 5 Teachers Resources
  • Imagine British 5 Exams and Tests
  • Imagine British 6 Students book - ISBN: 9780357911778
  • Imagine British 6 Workbook - ISBN: 9780357911877
  • Imagine British 6 Reading Anthology - ISBN: 9780357912232
  • Imagine British 6 Audio
  • Imagine British 6 Video
  • Imagine British 6 Teachers book - ISBN: 9780357911945
  • Imagine British 6 Teachers Resources
  • Imagine British 6 Exams and Tests
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