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IELTS target 5.0, 6.5, 7.0 preparation for IELTS academic |
категория: экзамены |
автор (author): Chris Gough, |
издательство (publisher): Garnet |
год (year): 2012-2014 |
язык (language): английский (english) |
формат (format): PDF, MP3 |
Описание: Краткий курс для подготовки к успешной сдаче международного экзамена английского языка IELTS. Состоит из четырех блоков, каждый из пяти модулей - аудирование, чтение, письмо, разговорная практика и экзаменационная практика. Уровень материалов в каждом модуле немного выше, чем у учащихся на экзамене, что должно помочь расширить и усовершенствовать языковые навыки студента до продвинутого уровня. |
IELTS Target 7.0: Preparation for IELTS Academic addresses the increasing trend of institutions demanding higher language competence from students. This level provides less pre-skills guidance and scaffolding, and more post-skills practice and analysis. It aims to develop core language skills and improve scores through more challenging topics and tasks.
The short course consists of four units, each of five modules - Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Exam Practice. The material in each module, which is a slightly higher level than students will encounter in the exam, aims to help extend and refine language skills to an advanced level.
Each unit consists of five modules:
1. Listening: This module is in two sections. The first section briefly engages students in a topic before they complete a task that focuses on a key skill or particular IELTS exam technique. The second section analyzes vocabulary and develops language skills.
2. Reading: As with the Listening Module.
3. Writing: The first section deals with task analysis and allows students to look at model compositions and collaborate with their peers before completing a task in the second section. The third section focuses on language development and grammar.
4. Speaking: This prepares students for the type of interaction they can expect with the examiner in Parts 2 and 3 the Speaking test. Follow-up questions help students extend answers and build on key speaking skills.
5. Exam Practice: Listening and reading skills are alternately practised under exam-type conditions. Four additional writing tasks are provided in a separate section at the end of the course.
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