JumpStart Reading with Karaoke Download for free

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Поем по-английски - Караоке для детей
JumpStart Reading with Karaoke




категория: английский детям - обучающие программы Поем по английски караоке
автор (author): Knowledge Adventure
издательство (publisher): Knowledge Adventure
год (year): 2008
язык (language): английский (english) - русский
формат (format): CD-EXE (ISO)
Описание: Поем по-английски. Караоке - JumpStart Reading with Karaoke. Петь и учить английский язык одновременно! Теперь это возможно вместе с инновационной системой обучения вокалу и фонетике посредством голосового общения.
Обучающая программа «Поём по-английски. Караоке» позволяет отрабатывать фонетику и получать незамедлительный отчет с указанием ошибок и достижений.

Все, что вам нужно – это микрофон и желание петь у ребенка. Приветливый персонаж проведет для вашего ребенка курс английских песен в режиме караоке. Алфавит, числительные и многое другое.. можно записывать песни, прослушивать их. Рекомендуется детям от 5 - 10 лет.
Изучать английский теперь легко!

Особенности программы:

  • Обучение верному прочтению и произношению английских слов
  • 7 режимов обучения, более 20 оригинальных караоке-песен и видеороликов
  • Игровая форма – интересная и понятная детям и их родителям.

Внимание, не гарантируется работа на ноутбуках!

Combining learning to read with singing letter sounds is not a new concept in edu-tainment software. Tikes have vocalized syllables with musical animals before, and no doubt will again. But what's nice about this little pre-school reading program is that its learn-to-read karaoke works and it's fun. The concept: Kids work through eight different reading-skill activities that play like games on HipHop Avenue, earning tickets for their successes with the help of the animated and encouraging JumpStart cat named Val. The activities range from fun stuff like depositing words into talking garbage cans that speak the beginning-letter sounds, to delivering alphabet-marked packages to create words. But, in fact, they are practicing basic skills such as identifying alphabet sounds, learning vowel sounds, rhyming, blending letters, sight-reading words, and reading aloud. Some of the games even use voice-recognition technology to nudge the mispronouncing child in the right direction in reading words.
When they've earned enough tickets, kids cash them in at the Karaoke Clubhouse where they get to record (microphone included) 24 different songs, all karaoke style, that reinforce the games' basic reading lessons. Then they get to play back the songs and hear themselves singing--a remarkable moment of enlightenment for some kids, an embarrassment for others. But certainly fun.
Even the lyrics of the songs the kids sing are designed to build vocabulary and practice reading skills--all of which are tracked in behind-the-games progress reports so parents can check how their young reader's doing.
Never mind that the graphics are pretty standard. The games aren't too challenging (nor should they be). And there's no storyline per se. None of that really matters. Why this software works is that kids who love music will come back to it--to sing more songs while getting in tune with reading fundamentals.

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