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Collins English Academic Skills books Series




категория: навыки английского языка Collins Academic Skills
автор (author): Els Van Geyte, Louis Rogers and Dawn Willoughby, Fiona Aish and Jo Tomlinson, Anneli Williams, Graham Burton, Patrick McMahon
издательство (publisher): HarperCollins Publishers
год (year): 2013
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3
Описание: Серия из шести книг, призванная помочь иностранным студентам добиться успехов в учебе в колледже или университете. Пособия для оттачивания академических навыков английского языка, разработаны для поддержки студентов, которые учатся или готовятся к учебе в англоязычном учебном заведении. Книги включают разделы, посвященные изучению английского языка как иностранного, но фокус книг шире, чем чистая грамматика или лексика, и они служат в качестве учебника для общей академической области, которую они охватывают. Одной из характерных черт книг являются поля глоссария на полях книги, содержащие определения потенциально новых или трудных слов, в дополнение к основному списку глоссария в конце книги. Иметь эти объяснения под рукой без перекрестных ссылок на словарь или приложение - это полезная идея, позволяющая сэкономить время, а определения, как правило, актуальны и ясны.

Collins Academic Skills Series - six-book series to help international students achieve academic success at college or university. It is designed to support students who are studying, or preparing to study, at an English-speaking institution. The books are designed for self-study and are divided into chapters which can be studied sequentially or individually. Each chapter begins with a self-evaluation quiz, whose questions give an idea as to what is contained within the chapter, and whether the student will find it useful. The chapter then continues with the input for the unit, which is interspersed with exercises for practise, and short ‘tips’ containing good advice relevant to using the chapter information in real life. The books include sections specific to learning English as a foreign language, but the focus of the books is broader than pure grammar or lexis, and they act as a primer to the general academic area they cover. One characteristic feature of the books is the glossary boxes in the book margin, containing definitions of potentially new or difficult words, in addition to the main glossary list at the back of the book. Having these explanations to hand, without having to cross-reference a dictionary or appendix, is a useful timesaving idea, and the definitions are generally relevant and clear.

Collins Academic Skills Series: Writing - gives you the skills and strategies you need to write well-structured essays, reports and case studies and achieve academic success at university.

Collins Academic Skills Series: Numbers - gives you the skills you need to make sense of data and numbers and the confidence to use them effectively in your work.

Collins Academic Skills Series: Lectures - will give you the skills you need to get more out of the lectures you attend at university, by improving your preparation, understanding and note taking skills.

Collins Academic Skills Series: Research - will give you the skills you need for successful academic reading and referencing.

Collins Academic Skills Series: Presenting - gives you the skills you need to plan, prepare and deliver successful presentations at college or university.

Collins Academic Skills Series: Group Work - will give you the skills you need to work well with others, and help you feel confident contributing to group projects at university.

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