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Cambridge Super Safari - three-level pre-primary English Language course




категория: УМК - английский для детей Cambridge Super Safari
автор (author): Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross, Peter Lewis-Jones
издательство (publisher): Cambridge University Press
год (year): 2015
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3
Описание: Cambridge Super Safari – трёхуровневый курс английского языка для детей от 3 до 6 лет, который соответствует уровню Beginner (A1) по шкале CEFR. Разработан издательством Кембридж. Особенностью Super Safari являются дополнительные материалы в виде Big Book - большой книги для чтения для работы в классе и прописей Letters and Numbers Workbook. Цель курса - развить базовые языковые навыки и привить ребенку интерес к дальнейшему изучению языка. Дети занимаются в игровой форме: поют песни, учат стишки на английском языке. Курс направлен на гармоничное развитие ребенка, сочетая в себе активные игры, танцы, шарады и спокойные занятия, такие как: раскраски, загадки и аудирование. Каждый урок представляет собой увлекательную историю, которая учит детей общаться друг с другом и развивает у них пространственное и логическое мышление.

Cambridge Super Safari British English edition is a three-level pre-primary course that welcomes very young children to English through stories, songs and plenty of playtime while supporting their cognitive, motor-sensory and social development.

Join Polly, Leo, Mike and Gina on an exciting adventure that welcomes very young children to English through exciting stories, action songs, arts and crafts, and plenty of playtime. With children’s developmental needs in mind Super Safari introduces the new language through play while improving memory and concentration; practising motor-sensory skills and developing thinking and creativity. Together with their animal friends children also discover the fascinating world around them and the joy of playing together, the importance of sharing and other social values. Join the adventure, join Super Safari for a super start to learning.

The real-world content pages and Projects complement the children’s blooming appreciation of the world around them. These pages nurture what is a child’s single best learning tool: their curiosity, and introduce them to cognitive activities such as comparing and categorizing.

Learning in a group is a skill that many pre-schoolers are only beginning to learn. Colourful stories and friendly characters gently introduce children to the key concepts of forming a part of a community such as: sharing and helping others. Children can also interact with the stories by watching the animations, following the stories in Big Books, or completing the scenes in the book with stickers.

Parents play an important role in supporting their child’s education in the early years and Super Safari creates lots of opportunities for parents to get involved in the child’s learning.

Captivate children’ attention with animates stories, interactive activities, engage learners of all abilities and improve classroom management, with the easy-to-use digital tools.

Key Features:

- Action songs, creative arts and crafts, and TPR activities, which children can also enjoy with their parents at home, make learning fun and develop children's motor-sensory skills
- Phonics sections give children the building blocks for fluent reading and spelling skills
- 'Think' pages develop children’s thinking skills, memory, concentration and creativity
- Engaging cross-curricular pages help young learners discover the fascinating world around them
- 'Values' pages with lovable characters and colourful stories introduce children to new language as well as social values such as sharing, playing together and helping others
- Interactive whiteboard software, Presentation Plus, combines the interactive whiteboard tools with interactive Pupil's Book, Activity Book, all teacher's resources and the course multimedia in one easy-to-use platform.

See Also - Смотрите также: Cambridge Super Minds

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