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Cambridge Global English - English as a Second language Course




категория: УМК - английский для детей Cambridge Global English
автор (author): Annie Altamirano, Caroline Linse, Elly Schottman
издательство (publisher): Cambridge University Press
год (year): 2014, 2021
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, AVI, CD-rom (ISO)
Описание: Cambridge Global English - девятиуровневый курс английского языка для учащихся начальной школы, для которых английский - второй язык. Учебник каждого уровня содержит 9 основных юнитов с интересными заданиями и возможностью самопроверки в конце. Каждый юнит объединяет одна тема и содержит 6 уроков. Уроки направлены на развитие навыков у учащихся: аудирование, чтение, письмо и говорение. Разделы 'Writing tip', 'Language detective' и 'Words to remember' развивают словарный запас у учащихся. Уроки включают в себя различные тексты: настоящие и вымышленные, диалоги и стихи, охватывающих широкий круг вопросов. Аудиодиск в комплекте с учебником для выполнения заданий на аудирования из учебника и рабочей тетради.

Cambridge Global English offers an enquiry-based, language-rich approach to learning English with an international focus. Specifically developed to provide comprehensive support for young learners of ESL worldwide, the topics covered reflect diversity and help learners communicate in English. The material engages children as active, creative learners with opportunities to participate in a wide variety of curriculum-based activities to acquire content knowledge, develop critical thinking skills and practise English language and literacy. The materials incorporate a 'learning to learn' approach and learners can acquire skills and strategies to help them approach new learning situations with confidence. Emphasis is placed on developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as vocabulary development and language awareness. Learners are exposed to a range of vocabulary with opportunities for using language in personalised, meaningful ways and developing the language skills they will need to access classroom materials in English across school curricula.

Cambridge Global English 2nd Edition - Whether they are exploring non-fiction texts, performing poetry or writing their own fables, our new primary and lower secondary resources help your learners develop critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills. With active learning at its heart, differentiation and assessment for learning opportunities, the series helps your students achieve their potential. You’ll find vocabulary and grammar support, along with plenty of opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills throughout. The accompanying Digital Classroom resource includes video, audio and interactive activities to bring your lessons to life. Our accessible teachers’ resources provide everything you need for the course including support and guidance to plan and deliver your lessons with confidence. Developed for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary curriculum Frameworks.

Specifically developed for young learners throughout the world, the topics and situations covered by Cambridge Global English strive to reflect diversity and help learners find out about each other's lives through the medium of English. Cambridge Global English engages children as active, creative learners. As they participate in a wide variety of curriculum-based activities, learners acquire content knowledge, develop critical thinking skills and practice English language and literacy. The materials incorporate a 'learning to learn' approach: children acquire skills and strategies that will help them approach new learning situations with confidence. Emphasis is placed on developing the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills learners will need to be successful in using authentic English-language classroom materials.
Building a large and robust vocabulary is a cornerstone to success in both conversational and academic English. Cambridge Global English exposes learners to a wide range of vocabulary. Many opportunities for revising these words and using them in personalised, meaningful ways are woven into the activities and lesson plans.

Key Features:

- Cambridge Global English is an innovative suite of materials created by Cambridge University Press for young English as a Second language learners.
- To meet the challenges of the future, children need to develop both conversational and academic English from the earliest level. Cambridge Global English addresses these needs and focuses on developing, listening, speaking, reading and the writing skills which learners will need to be successful.
- Spanning 8 stages, Stages 1-6 are tailored specifically for Primary levels and provide a seamless transition to Global English stages 7 and 8 at Secondary level.

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Download Cambridge Global English First Edition:

  • Global English 9 Coursebook - ISBN: 978-1-107-68973-2
  • Global English 9 Workbook - ISBN: 978-1-107-63520-3
  • Global English 9 Class Audio CDs
  • Global English 9 Teacher's Resource - ISBN: 978-1-108-74400-3

Download links for Cambridge Global English Second Edition:

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