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Big Fun by Longman Pearson All Levels
УМК английского языка для дошкольников от Лонгман




категория: УМК Big Fun by Longman Pearson
автор (author): Mario Herrera, Barbara Hojet
издательство (publisher): Longman Pearson
год (year): 2014, 2018
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, CDExe
Описание: С трёхуровневым курсом для детей 3-5 лет Big Fun издательства Лонгман Пирсон дети изучают язык естественным образом, так же, как они учат родной язык - слушая, подражая, повторяя. Базовая лексика и языковые структуры вводятся в контексте восьми интереснейших тем. Осваивая язык, дети одновременно формируют навыки арифметики, чтения и письма, развивают мелкую моторику, познают окружающий мир в увлекательной игровой форме, выполняя творческие проекты.

Курс содержит следующие компоненты:
- Student's Book + CD Rom с занимательными заданиями по восьми темам;
- WB + аудио CD с песнями, рифмовками, забавными историями и заданиями для повторения и закрепления лексики и языковых структур;
- Teacher's Edition содержит пошаговое планирование и идеи для занятий;
- интерактивная версия Student's Book;
- Active Teach позволяет сделать урок более наглядным и динамичным.
- Reading&Writing Work Book, постеры, сигнальные лексические карточки и DVD.

BIG FUN teaches young kids English – by listening, imitating and repeating – in the same way that they learn their native language, allowing them to grow confident speaking English on their own. Starting with basic vocabulary and language, Big Fun teaches children English in the context of eight engaging themes.They learn about math, reading and writing readiness, values and nature as they practice motor skills doing creative projects.
Big Fun is a 3-level English course for 3-5 years old children. Big Fun teaches young children English – by listening, imitating and repeating – in the same way that they learn their native language. And they grow confident to speak English on their own. Starting with basic vocabulary and language, Big Fun teaches children English in the context of eight engaging themes. They learn about math, reading and writing readiness, values and nature as they practice motor skills and have fun doing creative projects. The audio program includes vocabulary, conversations, narration and original songs and chants to delight both your students and you.Big Fun prepares students for a natural and positive experience with language.

Key Features:
- Keeps young learners focused with videos, listening, audio and play activities
- Songs, chants and simple conversation practice make English meaningful and fun
- Age-appropriate activities help raise children’s awareness of what they are learning and helps teachers assess progress
- Uses an approach that includes Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), 21st Century Skills and Assessment for Learning.

New Big Fun teaches young children English – in the same way they learn their native language – by making sure they listen, imitate, repeat and begin to speak on their own. Starting with basic vocabulary and language, children learn English in the context of eight engaging themes. They learn about math, reading and writing readiness, values and nature as they practice their motor skills and have fun doing creative projects. Children learn English, transfer knowledge and become critical thinkers as they cycle through the same eight themes that advance in sophistication with each level.

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