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Stephen Fry in America - BBC
фильм об Америке на английском языке от Би-Би-Си

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категория:фильмы на английскомСтивен Фрай в Америке

автор (author):Джон Дэвидсон
издательство (publisher):British Broadcasting Company
год (year):2008
формат (format):AVI

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Предлагаем Вам скачать документальный, познавательный фильм "Стивен Фрай в Америке" от Би-Би-Си.
Знаменитый английский журналист и исполнитель аудиокниг Стивен Фрай путешествует по 50 штатам Америки - США глазами англичанина.
Главное достоинство фильма потрясающий British English, так как Стивен Фрай считается эталонным носителем британского английского.

Телевизионный мини - сериал состоит из 6 эпизодов-серий. Фильм на английском языке.

Stephen Fry in America is a six-part BBC television series in which Stephen Fry journeys across all 50 states, mostly in a London cab, in an investigation of the United States of America.

While the series purports, to some extent, to be an attempt "to uncover what really makes America tick", don't expect to come away with a broadly improved understanding of American history or culture. Ultimately, it doesn't succeed in providing a comprehensive survey of the country - it's a bizarre journey in many ways, and most of the fifty states are under-represented or presented very idiosyncratically. That said, it's a very engaging show. It's a fun sight to see Fry - dapper, dainty, painfully articulate and always informative - interacting with Americans of all stripes. And the series does drive home an important point: for almost anything you can say about America, the opposite is also true. A curious and enjoyable sojourn in the colonies...

Stephen Fry was very nearly an American. Just before Stephen was born, his father was offered a job at Princeton University, but chose to turn it down.

And so, Stephen was born in NW3 rather than in NJ, New Jersey.

In this six-part series he travels, mostly in a London cab, through all 50 states of the country that he could have nearly called home and which has always fascinated him.

In this first episode, he explores the states that make up New England, before heading south to the nation's capital and ending up at the civil war battlefield of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania.

Presidential hopefuls in New Hampshire, witches in Salem, nuclear submariners in Connecticut, deer hunters, small time mobsters in NYC, socialites in Rhode Island, lobster fishermen in Maine, ice cream blenders in Vermont and card washers in New Jersey - Stephen meets them all as he takes the road through the autumn colours to uncover what really makes America tick.

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Stephen Fry in America по эпизодам:

  • 1 - New World 698 Mb

  • 2 - Deep South  700 Mb

  • 3 - Mississippi  700 Mb

  • 4 - Mountains and Plains  700 Mb

  • 5 - True West  699 Mb

  • 6 - Pacific 699 Mb

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