Kaplan TOEFL iBT Test Download for free

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Kaplan TOEFL iBT with Cd-Rom
учебный курс для подготовки к TOEFL




категория: международные экзамены - TOEFL iBT Test Kaplan TOEFL iBT Test 2010-2011
автор (author): Simon & Schuster
издательство (publisher): Kaplan
год (year): 2009
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3, ISO
Описание: Представляем Вашему вниманию новейшее издание всемирно - известной учебной серии Каплан для подготовки к экзамену английского языка TOEFl. Учебное пособие содержит диагностические тесты в формате экзамена на Чтение, Говорение, Аудирование и Письмо. Четыре полновесных теста на CD-Rom'е позволят Вам потренироваться в практических навыках сдачи экзамена, ощутить его атмосферу. Сотни аспектов подготовки учтены в данном курсе и прекрасно реализованы. Данный курс станет Вашим лучшим помощником при подготовке к сдаче экзамена TOEFL. Помимо учебника в архиве Вы найдете аудио и интерактивный CD-Rom.

Everything you need to Score Higher on the TOEFL iBT - Guaranteed
The TOEFL iBT tests your abilities in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Kaplan’s TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM presents the most important language skills and strategies you need to succeed on this test. The TOEFL is required worldwide for international students who want to study abroad.
Kaplan’s comprehensive guide gives you exactly what you will need to get ready for test day, including:

4 full-length practice tests on CD-ROM with detailed answer explanations Focused practice for each section of the test Listening practice on CD-ROM*, with complete transcripts in the book Exclusive score-raising tips and strategies for each language skill: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking Effective study tips for advanced ESL studentsWorld Leader in Test Prep and Admissions

Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions has helped more than 3 million students achieve their educational and career goals. With 185 centers and over 1,200 classroom locations throughout the United States and abroad, Kaplan provides a full range of services, including test prep courses, admissions consulting, programs for international students, professional licensing preparation, and more.

- Full-length diagnostic testing to identify your strong and weak areas.
- 4 full-length practice tests with detailed explanations for every answer.
- Hundreds of realistic practice questions.In-depth review of listening comprehension, grammar, reading, and writing.
- Effective test-taking strategies to help you maximize your score on every section of the test.
- CD audio component includes 7 academic lectures and 87 conversations for listening comprehension, plus diagnostic test listening comprehension review.
- CD internet-based test component includes 4 full-length tests with score analysis; sample questions; detailed answers; strategies for listening, structure, reading, and writing.

Fully revised and updated for the TOEFL iBT (Internet-Based Test) exam, this resource includes four full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations, reviews of each question type, and intensive practice for each section of the test.
- 4 practice tests on CD-ROM in iBT format
- Audio CD and transcripts of authentic-language conversations for listening comprehension
- 8 comprehensive chapters of reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice
- Hundreds of strategies for answering integrated skills questions

Kaplan Publishing - TOEFL Listening Practice - This audio CD is an excellent tool for any and everyone getting ready for and aiming at the TOEFL test. It provides both trainers and students working on their own with a wide and extensive range of listening material typically found in the listening section of the TOEFL test. Some of those preparing for international exams such as the TOEFL need extra practice for the listening section and it is not that easy to find supplementary material focusing on that specific aspect. As an experienced trainer in the corporate and academic (international exams) world, I strongly recommend this as very good supplementary material, for TOEFL preparation or even for those interested in improving their listening skills in American English. However, I should say that the reason why I gave it 4 stars and not 5 is because it does not come with any scripts or accompanying exercises, which would definitely optimize the recorded material and its results. Therefore, trainers should develop their own activities in order to maximise results.

Download Kaplan TOEFL iBT 2008-2009

Download Kaplan TOEFL iBT 2010-2011

Download Kaplan TOEFL Listening Practice

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