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World Link - Developing English Fluency
series for young adult/adult learners of English




категория: УМК World Link
автор (author): Susan Stempleski, Nancy Douglas, James R. Morgan
издательство (publisher): Thomson Heinle ELT, National Geographic, Cengage Learning
год (year): 2016, 2020
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3
Описание: World Link - четырехуровневая серия учебных пособий поможет вам узнать частоупотребимую лексику английского языка, разные выражения используемые в повседневной жизни, примеры диалогов, топики на разные темы (об окружающем мире), грамматические структуры (которые отрабатываются предложенными упражнениями). Яркая, красочная, нескучная, эффективная книга. Первое издание курса (2005) было выпущено издательством Thomson Heinle ELT, последующие издаются издательством National Geographic - Cengage Learning

World Link is a core series for young adult/adult learners of English from the low-beginning to high-intermediate level. Combining dynamic vocabulary with essential grammar and universal topics, WORLD LINK enables students to communicate confidently and fluently. A complete package of supplementary materials motivates students and empowers teachers to maximize classroom time.

Includes the four links to fluency: universal topics, dynamic vocabulary, essential grammar, and confident communication.
Universal Topics: students relate to world themes that provide the necessary context for learning about the English language and global cultures.
Dynamic Vocabulary: students acquire and expand lexis through word families and useful expressions.
Essential Grammar: students learn grammar through either inductive or deductive techniques, depending on which are more effective and practical for that grammar item.
Confident Communication: frequent and fun exercises motivate students to produce language on their own.

World Link, Third Edition: Developing English Fluency - Now in a new edition (2016), World Link helps adult learners communicate fluently and confidently in English. It develops language skills through use of dynamic vocabulary, essential grammar, engaging topics and fascinating images. Learners will experience the topics and language come alive through an expanded video program!

- Updated, engaging topics like social media, urban art, and international lifestyles provide a relevant and enjoyable springboard for natural communication.
- A new Warm-Up Video for each unit from authentic sources like National Geographic and YouTube can be used to introduce the unit topic and provide examples of real language.
- My World Link Online is a completely new online, personalized resource for learners and teachers that prepares learners for confident, active classroom participation and gives teachers one-stop access to classroom management options!
- Perfect for independent learning, new animated grammar tutorials on My World Link Online reinforce the updated grammar presentation in the student books. For use in the classroom, teachers can access the tutorials on the Classroom Presentation Tool!

World Link, Fourth Edition teaches learners to communicate confidently. It develops integrated language skills with an emphasis on spoken English through familiar topics, relevant grammar, and essential vocabulary. World Link brings the world to the classroom through a famously fun video program, relatable National Geographic content, and teacher-tested lessons.

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