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Wider World by Longman Pearson All Levels
УМК английского языка для подростков от Лонгман




категория: УМК Wider World
автор (author): Bob Hastings, Stuart McKinlay, Carolyn Barraclough, Suzanne Gaynor, Kathryn Alevizos
издательство (publisher): Longman Pearson
год (year): 2017, 2022
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, MP4, DVD-exe
Описание: Wider World - учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для тинейджеров от издательства Longman Pearson. Четыре уровня учебника, отлично укомплектованы мультимедийными приложениями. Wider World отражает то, как сегодняшние подростки получают доступ к информации и развлечениям: из Интернета, используя персональные устройства, такие как планшеты, ноутбуки и мобильные телефоны. Содержание и стиль, в котором он представлен, призваны вдохновлять и оспаривать подростков. Взаимодействуя с содержанием, а не просто практикуя, студенты изучают язык на более глубоком познавательном уровне.

Английский язык становится инструментом, благодаря которому они получают доступ к более широкому миру знаний, навыков и опыта. Язык в Wider World представлен через релевантный и интригующий контент реальной жизни, от юмористических ситуаций в видеороликах до реальных людей, опрошенных для видеороликов Vox Pop, и клипов, взятых из реальных программ BBC в видеороликах BBC. Переходя к гораздо более персонализированному и адаптивному подходу, Wider World не просто предоставляет статический контент, но и множество возможностей для исследования и взаимодействия с этим контентом посредством продуктивной деятельности и проектов.

Wider World reflects the way that today’s teens access information and entertainment: from the internet, using personal devices such as tablets, laptops and mobiles. The content and the style in which it is presented is designed to inspire and challenge teenagers.
By interacting with the content, rather than just practising, students acquire the language at a deeper cognitive level. Rather than just another subject on the curriculum, English becomes the tool through which they access a Wider World of knowledge, skills and experience.
The language in Wider World is presented through relevant and intriguing real life content, from the humorous situations in the drama videos through to the real people interviewed for the Vox Pop videos and the clips taken from actual BBC programmes in the BBC Culture videos.
Moving to a much more personalised and adaptive approach, Wider World doesn’t just provide static content but also multiple opportunities to investigate and interact with that content through productive activities and projects.
Passing exams with a good score is the key learning outcome of Wider World. Through the Students' Books and Workbooks, the course provides extensive exam support, as well as extra Practice booklets for Cambridge and PTE exams.
Wider World is the fruit of a collaboration between two leading companies in the fields of media and education: the BBC and Pearson.
The BBC brand is synonymous worldwide with the concepts of trust and quality in their news and entertainment programmes, while Pearson is the world’s leading education company for all ages and stages of learners.
Pearson and the BBC have come together in a unique collaboration which provides learners with engaging and effective English learning materials included in the Wider World course.
Wider World requires minimum preparation time. It is designed to a one page one lesson format and this, combined with the comprehensive teachers notes, enables you to teach off-the-page without the need for hours of preparation in advance.
Everything within Wider World has been created with exam success in mind. The syllabus design, creation of each component and the robust testing package all come together to drive and motivate teenage learners toward exam success.

Students' Book:
- 9 units and a Starter unit with 72-120 hours of teaching material
- 12 pages per unit
- Video (Drama, BBC Vox Pops and BBC Culture) with every unit
- One lesson per page (or opening), one skill focus per lesson
- English (GSE) and adapted to be student friendly and to include topic information
- Wordlist with exercises activating key vocabulary and Revision for every unit
- BBC Culture lessons in every unit based on an intriguing question
- Grammar Time: grammar reference and practice activities for every grammar lesson
- Exam Time: the Listening and Speaking parts of the relevant
- PTE General and Cambridge English exams
- 5 extra CLIL lessons
- 2 extra Culture lessons about the English speaking world"
- Complete Students’ Book in digital format
- All audio and video embedded into the exercises

- Follows the structure of Can-dos of the Students’ Book
- Additional grammar, vocabulary and skills practice to reinforce material in the Students’ Book
- One lesson per unit dedicated to BBC Culture, plus full video scripts
- Exam Time: the Reading and Writing parts of the relevant PTE general and Cambridge English exams
- Self-Assessment
- Self-Check (key available in the Workbook)

Teacher’s Book:
- Unit-by-unit teaching notes with audio scripts and answer keys
- Interleaved with Students’ Book pages
- Workbook audio scripts
- Workbook answer key

Teacher’s DVD-ROM:
- Class audio in MP3 with audio script
- Video resources: all Students’ Book videos with subtitles which can be switched on and off
- Teacher’s resources, including instructions and answer key (these are the same resources as in the Printed Resource Books)
- Workbook audio in MP3 with audio scripts
- Exam Practice Books audio in MP3, with audio scripts and answer keys

Teacher's Resource Book: - The same resources as on the DVD-ROM attached to the TB or MEL & EOH:
- 120 pages of photocopiable materials
- One page for every lesson
- One extra page for every drama video
- One extra page of Vocabulary, Grammar and Culture activities with every unit

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