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To the Top English Course for teenagers and young adults




категория: УМК To the Top english
автор (author): H.Q. Mitchell
издательство (publisher): MM Publications
год (year): 2005-2015
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, EXE
To the Top - учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для подростков и молодых взрослых студентов, написанный в полном соответствии с требованиями и стандартами Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Каждый учебник состоит из 8 модулей, в каждом из которых 5 уроков и контрольный урок, основанные на современной тематике с мультикультурной составляющей.

To the Top - это гармоничное развитие всех базовых навыков с особым уклоном в разговорную лексику и словарный запас. Современные, мотивирующие тексты и мультимедийные материалы развивают в учениках самостоятельность и формируют критическое мышление. Основной задачей курса по признанию авторов было продемонстрировать как английский язык используется в повседневных, жизненных ситуациях.

Get To The Top is an exciting English course for students at Beginner level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.

• Six modules
• Five lessons and a revision section in each module
• Lively dialogues
• Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and cross-curricular information
• Systematic development of all four skills
• A step-by-step guide to writing
• A variety of communicative tasks
• Clear grammar presentations and practice
• Culture pages
• Songs.

To the Top is a course designed for teenagers and young adults, taking learners from Beginner to Intermediate level. It follows the modular approach which enables students to deal with topics in depth. Its multi-dimensional syllabus combines lexis, grammar structures, language functions, skills work and pronunciation.
To the Top comes in two editions, the American English (AmE) edition and the British English (BrE) edition.

• Eight modules
• Five lessons and a revision section after each module
• Lively dialogues highlighting the adventures of a group of young students
• Motivating and contemporary topics providing students with multicultural and cross-curricular information
• Clear grammar presentations and practice
• A step-by-step guide to writing, beginning from sentence level to different types of writing, providing students with plenty of practice
• Culture pages introducing students to the English-speaking world
• Lively, topic-based songs.

Top Grammar is a four-level series that follows the syllabus of To The Top coursebooks. It can be used with any other coursebook as well.

• 21 units that follow the syllabus of the Student’s Book
• Presentation of structures in meaningful contexts
• Clear explanations and illustrative examples
• Colourful photographs and illustrations
• Carefully graded exercises
• Communicative activities
• Oral and written practice in every unit
• Regular revision units
• Tests available on CD-ROM.

Внимание! Ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с инструкцией и правилами

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  • Get To the Top 2 Student's book - ISBN: 978-960-478-256-7
  • Get To the Top 2 Class Audio CDs - ISBN: 978-960-478-264-2
  • Get To the Top 2 Teacher's book - ISBN: 978-960-478-284-0
  • Get To the Top 2 Workbook - ISBN: 978-960-478-257-4
  • Get To the Top 2 IWB - ISBN: 978-960-573-819-8
  • Get To the Top 2 Grammar Tests
  • Get To the Top 3 Student's book - ISBN: 978-960-478-279-6
  • Get To the Top 3 Class Audio CDs - ISBN: 978-960-478-289-5
  • Get To the Top 3 Teacher's book - ISBN: 978-960-478-285-7
  • Get To the Top 3 Workbook - ISBN: 978-960-478-281-9
  • Get To the Top 3 IWB - ISBN: 978-960-573-820-4
  • Get To the Top 3 Grammar Tests
  • Get To the Top 3 Tests
  • Get To the Top 4 Student's book - ISBN: 978-960-478-280-2
  • Get To the Top 4 Class Audio CDs - ISBN: 978-960-478-290-1
  • Get To the Top 4 Teacher's book - ISBN: 978-960-478-286-4
  • Get To the Top 4 Workbook - ISBN: 978-960-478-282-6
  • Get To the Top 4 IWB - ISBN: 978-960-573-821-1
  • To the Top 4 Student's book - ISBN: 978-960-443-097-0
  • To the Top 4 Class Audio CDs - ISBN: 978-960-443-106-9
  • To the Top 4 Teacher's book - ISBN: 978-960-443-100-7
  • To the Top 4 Workbook - ISBN: 978-960-443-098-7
  • To the Top 4 Portfolio - ISBN: 978-9-604-43108-3
  • To the Top 4 IWB - ISBN: 978-960-573-813-6
  • Top Grammar 1 - ISBN: 978-960-443-180-9
  • Top Grammar 1 Teacher’s resource CD-ROM
  • Top Grammar 2 - ISBN: 978-960-443-181-6
  • Top Grammar 3 - ISBN: 978-960-443-182-3
  • Top Grammar 4 - ISBN: 978-960-443-407-7

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