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Spotlight on First and Advanced - Cambridge English Exam Preparation Course




категория: Exams Spotlight on First and Advanced
автор (author): Jon Naunton, John Hughes
издательство (publisher): National Geographic, Cengage Learning
год (year): 2015
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, DVD-Video
Описание: Spotlight on First Second Edition разработан для учащихся, кто только начинает готовиться к экзамену IELTS. Курс рассчитан на 120 часов занятий и по окончании курса будут иметь знания и навыки, чтобы успешно сдать экзамен на 4-6 баллов. Особенности курса: Каждый урок имеет свою интересную тему для развития определенного навыка. Уроки содержат информацию и советы для успешной сдачи экзамена. 12 письменных уроков. Отдельный раздел по грамматике с упражнениями.

Spotlight on First and Spotlight on Advanced are fully comprehensive exam-preparation courses that have been revised to be in line with the Cambridge English exam.

Key features of the Student’s Book:
The Writing guide includes a complete set of writing models covering all the main genres from the exam, and a bank of useful expressions for each writing task. - Beautiful design, engaging photos and fascinating texts motivate students to study.
- Eight National Geographic video lessons with the new Ideas generator syllabus provide a launching pad to help students generate ideas and form opinions. The strategies include mindmapping a topic, seeing things from another person’s point of view, asking yourself ‘wh’ questions and making connections. Teaching students how to have ideas is particularly useful for those who struggle with what to say or write when answering exam questions.
- A realistic Speaking test video and worksheets prepare students to deal with this test. The video shows real students completing all four parts of the Speaking test. Accompanying worksheets in the Student’s Book provide the printed test materials and the examiner’s script. Carefully-designed activities help students to recognise and analyse effective performance.
- Exam Spotlights give essential advice and equip students with the key exam strategies.
- A two-page writing section in every unit ensures that all the exam writing tasks are thoroughly covered, and offers tips and checklists to help students produce top-grade writing.
- Word-building and learning strategies, including phrasal verbs, collocations, etc., build students’ vocabulary.
- Concise explanations, extensive examples and practice activities cover all the grammar students need.
- A review section after every two units uses exam tasks to consolidate the grammar and vocabulary from the units, as well as offering valuable further exam practice.
- A new complete Practice test in the Student’s Book provides additional realistic practice of the whole First exam.
- The Grammar reference includes complete explanations and integrated practice materials so that students can do more form-based practice.
- The Writing guide includes a complete set of writing models covering all the main genres from the exam, and a bank of useful expressions for each writing task.

The Exam Booster Workbook consolidates and extends the Student’s Book content with a high concentration of exam practice tasks. Additionally, it contains a comprehensive pronunciation syllabus and a spelling syllabus which identifies the most common errors for students, and a study techniques feature. It also contains another complete Practice test and audio CD.
The Teacher’s Book includes comprehensive notes to the Student’s Book exercises, with answer keys, audioscripts, and additional grammar, vocabulary and methodology support for teachers. It also contains two photocopiable pages of supplementary activities for every unit, and additional notes, scripts and activities to accompany the Speaking test video.

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