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Oxford Speak Now All Levels
коммуникативный курс английского языка от Оксфорд




категория: УМК Oxford Speak Now
автор (author): Jack C Richards & David Bohlke
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press
год (year): 2013
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, DVD-exe
Описание: Новый курс разговорного английского языка от издательства Оксфордского университета - Speak Now - один из лучших УМК коммуникативной направленности. Мультимедийная составляющая курс заслуживает отдельных похвальных слов.

Speak Now - четырех уровневый курс, который научит общаться с уверенностью как в классе так и вне его. В данном курсе впервые использована методика полностью интегрированного видео, что помогает развить все навыки общения и развивает языковые модели для различных ситуаций.
Диапазон интерактивных инструментов для учителей позволит вам отслеживать прогресс каждого отдельного студентов, контролировать свои оценки, и поддерживать связь с ними.

Ключевые характеристики:

- Speaking компонент развивает уверенность будущих ораторов
- Интернет практика предлагает студентам дополнительные возможности исповедовать свой уровень общения, в том числе говорить и записывать произношение, а также обмениваться этими данными с преподавателем напрямую посредством интернет
- Встроенные видео сюжеты укрепляют связь с современной реальностью и мотивируют к обучению
- Обзорные тесты позволяют оперативно проверять свои ошибки и котролировать прогресс изучения.

Oxford Speak Now
Four-level speaking course that helps students to communicate with confidence.
Speak Now is the first conversation course with fully integrated video to help students develop communication skills.
Speak Now is a four-level speaking course which develops students' communication skills both in and out of the classroom.
Every activity in Speak Now includes a speaking component. Video activities are integrated every four lessons, providing real-life language models for students.
Speak Now can also be expanded into a four-skills course through extra activities available in the Workbook and on iTools. The Multi-Skill Bonus Pack, available on Speak Now iTools, features targeted activities across every skill area.
Encourage your students to improve their listening, speaking and pronunciation skills outside class with Speak Now Online Practice. The speak and record facility lets your students send you their speaking activities for grading and feedback. A range of interactive teacher tools allow you to track each individual students' progress, monitor their grades, and keep in touch with them.

Key features:
- A speaking component in every activity develops confident and successful speakers
- Online Practice offers students extra opportunities to practice their speaking, including speak and record pronunciation activities for you to grade and give individual feedback on
- Integrated video brings language to life and illustrates useful everyday language
- Review pages and testing material enables students to check their progress
- Multi-skills bonus pack for expanding lessons to include all four skills

Speak Now develops students' communication, enabling them to communicate confidently and effectively.
Each 2-page lesson has clear models and personalization of useful, everyday language.
Speak Now features fully integrated video every four lessons, with characters modeling real-world language. The English in Action video clips help students to develop their listening and pronunciation skills, understand the importance of gestures and body language, and discuss culture and idioms.
Speak Now iTools features a Multi-Skill Bonus Pack, providing worksheets to expand lessons across all four skills and develop students' language skills. Speak Now iTools also comes with the Student Book onscreen, video, and audio, all available at the click of a button.
With over 120 self-study activities, Speak Now Online Practice offers students extra opportunities to practice outside class.
A speak, record, and submit function, featuring extra audio, enables students to practice speaking and improve their pronunciation. You can then grade the practice and give personalized feedback.
Take advantage of the extra teacher tools to track your students' progress, communicate and collaborate with students outside of class, and improve learning outcomes.
The Online GradEbook keeps you up-to-date with each student's learning, making it easy for you to track and report on progress, and letting you quickly identify strengths and weaknesses within a class.

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Download Oxford Speak Now:

  • Speak Now DVD all levels - ISBN: 978-0-19-403039-7

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