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Oxford Solutions
УМК английского языка для тинэйджеров




категория: Oxford УМК Oxford Solutions
автор (author): Tim Falla, Paul A Davies
издательство (publisher): Oxford
год (year): 2009 - 2018
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, ISO, Doc, CD-EXE
Описание: Представляем Вашему вниманию популярнейший пятиуровневый Оксфордский курс английского языка для тинэйджеров и молодежи - Oxford Solutions. Современный мультимедийный учебно-методический комплекс Solutions не оставит равнодушными ни студентов, ни преподавателей.
Каждый уровень курса состоит из следующих компонент:

- Students book - учебник.
Комплектуется интерактивным диском с дополнительными упражнениями - MultiROM.
- Class Audio CD`s - аудио диски для работы в классе.
- Workbook - рабочая тетрадь студента для самостоятельных занятий дома.
- Teacher's Book - книга для преподавателя с ответами и рекомендациями.
- iTools - программное обеспечение для интерактивной классной доски.
- Test Bank MultiRom - содержит разные тесты ( от вводных до экзаменационных).

A five-level general English course for 14-19 year-olds, who are also preparing for the school-leaving exam. The clear structure and step-by-step approach to communication provides supported language and skills training to get students speaking confidently.
- Every lesson has an outcome: the 'I can' objective in each lesson gives students an immediate sense of achievement.
- Clear lessons mean Solutions is quick to prepare and easy to use.
- All school-leaving exam topics and task-types are covered in Solutions.

Solutions' simple structure and guided approach to learning supports and motivates students to use language confidently.
The course develops language and skills so that speaking becomes frequent and familiar.
Teachers who use Solutions say that by the end of each lesson every student spoke!

Lesson-per-page structure which is easy to use and saves valuable preparation time
Teen-interest topics and personalized activities appeal to young learners
Every lesson has an outcome: 'I CAN' statements at the top of each page build confidence by showing students what they will progressively achieve
Speaking is integrated into all lessons to give students constant opportunities to speak
Students get masses of practice from the Student's Book, Workbook, MultiROM, photocopiables, and the Student's website
Build your students' confidence and improve their exam grades through an exam page at the end of every unit, and an interactive practice test.

- The Student's Book and digital resources provide achievable activities and consistent practice. Exam pages and online practice tests also thoroughly prepare students for school-leaving exams.

- MultiROM is both a CDROM (containing interactive games) and an Audio CD (containing listening material) on one disk. In your computer - interactive activities to practise all the grammar and vocabulary included in the Student's Book, - Exercises to help improve your writing and listening, - Games to help you revise what you've learned. In your CD player - audio tracks for listening exercises in the Workbook.

- The Teacher's Book was co-written by authors with first-hand experience of teaching at this level. In additional to full procedural notes for the whole course, it offers:
optional activities throughout for greater flexibility
structured speaking tasks to get students talking confidently
teaching notes with useful tips and strategies to improve students' exam technique
20 photocopiable pages to recycle and activate the language of each unit in a fun, communicative context.

- Solutions iTools features content from the Student's Book and other Solutions components chosen specifically for its interactive potential in class. Accompanied by A guide to using Interactive Whiteboards plus built-in teaching notes, Solutions iTools helps teachers use whiteboards effectively.

- Solutions Test Bank MultiRom includes: Placement test, short and progress tests, Cumulative tests, Audio tests.

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