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Oxford Shine On! All Levels
six-level American-English primary course




категория: УМК Oxford Shine On
автор (author): Susan Banman Sileci, Patrick Jackson, Helen Casey, Kirstie Grainger, Katie Foufouti, Joanna Heijmer
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press
год (year): 2017
язык (language): английский (American english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, AVI
Описание: Shine On! от Оксфорд это курс американского английского языка для начальной школы из шести уровней с простой учебной программой, поддержкой и ресурсами для вас и ваших учеников. Разнообразие мероприятий в Shine On! гарантирует, что все ваши ученики могут учиться и сиять вместе!

Oxford Shine On! - is a six-level American-English primary course with an easy-to-teach syllabus and support and resources for you and your students. The variety of activities in Shine On! ensures that all of your students can learn and shine together!
Everything you need to make your class shine! Keep up the energy in class with a variety of extra resources, the Classroom Presentation Tool for ‘heads-up’ lessons, and handy tips in the Teacher’s Book.
Play together! Have fun and motivate your class with animated songs and dance routines, stories, games, role plays and craft activities.
Learn together! Get everyone using their English with chants, songs, pair activities, and retelling the Shine On! Stories.
Shine together! Shine On! has something for every learning style and works for mixed-ability classes so all your students can shine together.

Key features:

- Communicative approach gets students speaking
- Catchy pop songs and exciting stories make classes fun
- Easy-to-teach, supportive methodology
- Something for every learning style and mixed-ability classes
- Get the most out of your course with a Megabyte puppet, flashcards, story cards, posters and worksheets

Shine On! Plus is a new extended edition of the bestselling Shine On! series, offering you extra fun and motivating resources to make your class shine. The new edition offers the same fun and easy-to-teach approach that teachers love, with new project pages, conversation cards and communication games to help your students develop critical thinking skills and build confidence in their speaking skills.

Key features:

- NEW Project pages provide extra fun and motivating resources and develop students’ critical thinking and communication skills.
- NEW Communication Games (levels 1-3) and Conversation Cards (levels 4-6) help students build confidence in their speaking skills.
- NEW “Be a Mega Star“ feature provides mixed-ability support, and Extra Vocabulary sections cater to fast finishers.
- NEW Oxford English Hub allows teachers and students to access all their digital resources in one place.
- NEW Project website (levels 4-6) develops students’ learning and digital literacy with fun activities.
- Animated songs and stories spark students’ imagination and make classes fun.
- Cross-curricular lessons in every unit connect English to your wider curriculum.

Внимание! Ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с инструкцией и правилами

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