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Oxford Q Skills for Success
Six-level EAP course for college and university students




категория: УМК Q Skills for Success
автор (author): Jaimie Scanlon, Margaret Brooks, Miles Craven, Kristin Sherman, Rob Freire, Tamara Jones, Susan Earle-Carlin, Sarah Lynn, Jenny Bixby, Joe McVeigh, Margot Gramer, Colin Ward, Debra Daise, Charl Norloff, Paul Carne, Nigel Caplan, Scott Roy Douglas, Ann Snow, and Larry Zwier
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press
год (year): 2011-2017
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3
Название серии учебных пособий Q: Skills for Success образовано от английского слова Questions. Задавая вопросы, студенты развивают способность к анализу проблем, формированию собственной точки зрения, изложению ее на английском языке. В ходе постановки вопросов развивается аналитическое мышление, со временем перерастающее в критическое мышление, обладая которым человек может самостоятельно принимать решения, делать выбор, направлять свое развитие и не зависеть от мнения авторитетов. Курс развивает критическое мышление, способности выборочного чтения и аудирования, правильного использования словарей. Тексты для чтения и аудирования взяты из различных научных областей: от биологии до финансов. Неотъемлемый компонент курса – доступ к LMS – системе управления обучением в режиме онлайн.

Q Skills for Success is a six-level series with two strands, Reading and Writing and Listening and Speaking. The series provides students with: Clearly identifed learning outcomes that focus students on the goal of instruction Thought-provoking unit questions that provide a critical thinking framework for each unit Explicit skills instruction that builds student's language profciency All new content and practice activities for every unit, approximately 20 hours of practice per strand, with Q Online Practice.

With new note-taking skills, an extended writing syllabus and authentic video in every unit, Q Second Edition equips students for academic success better than ever.
Q Second Edition helps students to measure their progress, with clearly stated unit objectives that motivate students to achieve their language learning goals.
And the online content, seamlessly integrated into the Student Book, allows teachers to truly implement blended learning into the classroom.

Q: Skills for Success Second Edition helps students to get ready for academic success. Enhanced skills support provides four extra pages of reading or listening comprehension in every unit, deepening students’ understanding of the unit topic and better preparing them for the unit assignment. A greater variety of activities encourages students to use critical thinking skills, such as making inferences or synthesizing information from different texts.

Video in every unit adds a new dimension to the course, and provides an additional springboard for students to think critically. The documentary-style videos use material from the BBC and CBS, providing authentic, high-interest input related to the unit topic.

In the Listening and Speaking strand, the new note-taking skills section provides focused practice on this essential skill in every unit. And the writing syllabus in Reading and Writing has been extended and improved to help students progress from writing coherent sentences to structuring a full essay. The new online Writing Tutor supports students to write independently.

Vocabulary from the Oxford 3000 and Academic Word List is highlighted to help students focus on the most relevant words they need to learn.

The Second Edition has an increased focus on measuring student progress. The new progress bar and clearly stated unit objectives motivate students to achieve their language learning goals. Students and teachers can also track their progress online, with new achievement badges that reward students as they complete the online activities.

Q: Skills for Success Second Edition is designed for blended learning. Online content on iQ Online is integrated with the Student Book, with clear signposting to guide students’ learning. The online content is easy to manage, simple to use, and has been researched, developed and tested to fit the needs of English language teachers and learners.

iQ Online features between 15-18 activities for every unit, including video, grammar and vocabulary games, and alternate unit assignments, as well as a range of tools to encourage student communication, including the online Discussion Board and email.

For the teacher iTools Online is an all-in-one classroom presentation tool that allows teachers to project pages from the Student Book, play video and audio, and interact with the page.

Key Features:
- Question-centered approach encourages students to think critically.
- Progress bar and clearly stated unit objectives motivate students to achieve their language learning goals.
- Video in every unit provides an engaging springboard for students to think critically.
- Note-taking skills and an extended writing syllabus develop essential skills for academic success.
- Enhanced listening and reading comprehension activities provide greater scaffolding and help prepare students to use higher level study skills.
- Research-based vocabulary program ensures that students learn the most relevant words for academic and professional life.
- iQ Online is integrated with the Student Book content to extend learning in and out of the classroom.
- Achievement badges keep students focused and motivated working online.
- Auto-graded tests provide instant feedback and save teachers time.
- iTools Online increases student engagement and reduces class prep time.
- e-Book versions of the Student Book with interactive features designed for language learning

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Download Oxford Q Skills for Success First Edition:

Download Oxford Q Skills for Success Second Edition:

  • Q Skills for Success Teacher IQ Online Access Card - ISBN: 9780194818001

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