Richmond Personal Best six-level General English course for young adults Download for free books audio cdrom
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Personal Best by Richmond - six-level General English course for young adults




категория: английский язык для молодежи Personal Best Richmond
автор (author): Louis Rogers, Jim Scrivener, James Styring, Liz Walter
издательство (publisher): Richmond
год (year): 2022
язык (language): английский (british and american english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3, Mp4
Описание: Personal Best by Richmond — это шестиуровневый курс общего английского языка для сегодняшних занятых молодых людей, которые хотят максимально использовать свой опыт изучения английского языка. Разработанный совместно с редактором серии Джимом Скривнером, всемирно известным тренером и ведущим, Personal Best объединяет акцент на практике как движущей силе совершенствования и пакет курсов 21-го века с интегрированным веб-видеошоу и приложением.

Personal Best by Richmond is a six-level General English course for today’s busy young adults who want to maximize their English language learning experience. Developed with series editor Jim Scrivener, internationally renowned teacher trainer and presenter, Personal Best brings together a focus on practice as a driver of improvement and a 21st-century course package with an integrated web-based video show and the Personal Best Language App.

The Personal Best Student’s Book is divided into separate language and skills lessons so that students can focus on the new grammar and lexis, without having to struggle through long reading or listening texts. Each level has a comprehensive skills syllabus, with a particular emphasis on speaking and writing. Clear Builder and Skills boxes allow students to see exactly which skills are being focused on and the extended practice section at the back of the book offers further practice on grammar, vocabulary and communication.

The Workbook provides a page of practice for each Student’s Book lesson and an additional Review and Practice spread to review the content from the entire unit.

The Teacher’s Resource Book provides extensive photocopiable materials and unit tests. The photocopiable activities can be used as a change of focus or used to review at a later stage. The unit tests help with recall and provide a sense of progress. There are photocopiable activities for grammar, vocabulary, and skills.

The Teacher’s Book is a comprehensive, full-color resource that incorporates the complete Student’s Book. It provides all the necessary procedural guidance to teach the Student’s Book lessons as well as extra ideas to extend and support students. There is a unique 3xPractice feature for each lesson to help teachers and students go deeper into the activities and experiment with forms and meanings. It also contains a unique 3xPractice feature, with extra ideas on how to repeat and extend selected activities. This encourages students to play around with the new language and experiment with forms and meanings, helping them memorise and personalise the information. Further teacher support includes Teacher Training videos featuring Jim Scrivener and practising teachers from the Bell School, Cambridge. These can be accessed through the Richmond Learning Platform.

The Audio and Video pack includes the Class Audio CDs and Class Video DVDs.

Digital Book - This is a complete projectable digital resource for the teacher: it provides the Student’s Book in digital format with embedded audio, video, scripts, notes and answers, for use with a smart board or projector.

With Personal Best, students will::

- Grammar is presented in stand-alone lessons, separate from skills work.
- The pronunciation syllabus focuses on connected speech to help students recognize and produce language.
- Lexis is prioritized, with two or more vocabulary sets per unit, and incorporated into discussions and other tasks.
- As part of a comprehensive skills syllabus, reading and listening skills pages develop learner skills and strategies.
- Students can apply selected functional language to improve specific speaking or writing skills.
- Speaking and writing activities have clear task goals and cumulative aims.

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