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Oxford World Quest English Course for Middle School




Категория: УМК Oxford World Quest
автор (author): Diana Pye, Paul Shipton and Karen Saxby
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press
год (year): 2013
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF
World Quest - трехуровневый учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для учащихся средней школы. Основа курса - интересные истории с реальными текстами и темами для мотивации учеников и достижения результата.

Особенности курса:

- Интересный сюжет истории, с которой начинается каждый урок, увлекает учеников в мир приключений
- Самая востребованная лексика, которую ребята используют в общении со сверстниками на русском
- 3 урока в каждом разделе
- Детальное повторение грамматического и лексического материала в конце каждого 2-го раздела
- 6 страниц с заданиями для проектной деятельности
- Разнообразные ресурсы для преподавателя
- Дополнительные возможности проверки полученных знаний в Рабочей тетради.

Oxford World Quest - combines the drama and excitement of an episodic story, with real world texts and topics to accelerate students' progression.

Your students will be enchanted by award winning author, Paul Shipton's episodic story at the beginning of each unit and they will want to know what happens next. Written especially for the course, the story introduces key vocabulary at the start of each unit as well as capturing students' attention. Read the stories aloud in class or listen to them on the class audio CDs.

Give your students the vocabulary, grammar and practice they need to progress quickly in English. When students use English in the real world they are most likely to want to talk about their own lives and interests, World Quest provides them with the vocabulary and grammar to do this as well as plenty of practice.

Every unit in World Quest is made up of 3 lessons:

Lesson 1: Strong storylines, written by Paul Shipton, with stunning artwork that appeals even to younger students. The story presents the grammar and vocabulary, which is then practised in the activities. Each lesson integrates work in all four language skills. The lexis and exercises are carefully controlled.
Lesson 2: The reading text provides the context for the new grammar point and new vocabulary. Students are given lots of support to prepare them for the end of lesson writing task. Look! glossary boxes explain unfamiliar words, when needed.
Lesson 3: Students are given plenty of support to prepare them for end-of-lesson writing tasks, including a comprehensive model text. The activities allow students to bring together the language covered in the unit. Lesson 3 ends with a lively song (Levels 1–3) or a culture section (Levels 2 and 3).

Key Features:

- Short 3 lesson units let students progress quickly
- Integrated skills practice in every lesson
- Extra revision spread after every other unit focuses on grammar and vocabulary
- 6 extra project pages at the back of the Student's Book
- A play written by Paul Shipton in every level to use at the end of the year
- Plenty of teacher support with ready to use resources and iTools for your interactive whiteboard
- Extra round up and revision sections in the Workbook for students to check their progress.

Внимание! Ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с инструкцией и правилами

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Download Oxford World Quest:

  • Oxford World Quest 1 Student's Book - ISBN: 978-0-19-412586-4
  • Oxford World Quest 1 Class Audio CDs - ISBN: 978-0-19-412585-7
  • Oxford World Quest 1 Workbook - ISBN: 978-0-19-412583-3
  • Oxford World Quest 1 Teacher's book - ISBN: 978-0-19-412587-1
  • Oxford World Quest 1 iTools - ISBN: 978-0-19-412590-1
  • Oxford World Quest 3 Student's Book - ISBN: 978-0-19-412604-5
  • Oxford World Quest 3 Class Audio CDs - ISBN: 978-0-19-412603-8
  • Oxford World Quest 3 Workbook - ISBN: 978-0-19-412601-4
  • Oxford World Quest 3 Teacher's book - ISBN: 978-0-19-412605-2
  • Oxford World Quest 3 iTools - ISBN: 978-0-19-412608-3

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