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Oxford Primary Skills Reading and Writing развитие первичных навыков английского языка |
категория: английский для детей |
автор (author): Tamzin Thompson, Helen Casey, J. Quintana |
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press |
год (year): 2010 |
язык (language): английский (english) |
формат (format): PDF, MP3 |
Веселая и богато иллюстрированная шестиуровневая серия учебных пособий от издательства Оксфорд - Oxford Primary Skills Reading and Writing - является отличным дополнением к любому курсу английского языка. |
Современные тексты, а также увлекательные задания и упражнения мотивируют учеников к изучению языка и предполагают постепенное овладевание первичными навыками чтения и письма.
Ключевые характеристики:
- Широкий спектр текстов на разные темы;
- Обучение шаг за шагом с постоянным контролем и повторением усвоенного
- Всесторонне развитие всех ключевых навыков;
- Словарь к каждому уровню, основанный на материалах учебника;
- Ключи к упражнениям каждого учебника;
- Аудиодиск к каждому уровню.
Oxford Primary Skills Reading and Writing
A fun and colourful six-level supplementary series that develops reading and writing skills through a broad range of exciting texts.
With engaging texts and topics to develop reading and writing skills, Oxford Primary Skills is the perfect partner for any course.
It builds up reading skills through a wide variety of texts students want to read including websites and magazines.
The supportive writing tasks give students the opportunity to write 'real' texts about themselves such as emails and diary entries.
And there's optional vocabulary for every chapter.
Oxford Primary Skills gives you extra support teaching reading and writing skills in the classroom.
The topics and order of the units have been specially designed to complement what your students are learning in language lessons, making it the perfect partner for your current coursEbook.
The wide variety of entertaining and 'real' text types such as websites and magazine articles ensures you get material students will want to read.
The interesting content motivates students to develop essential skills such as reading for detail and reading for gist, and each reading comprehension is thoroughly supported with a pre- and post- reading activity.
The writing tasks give students the opportunity to write about themselves. This increases their confidence and enthusiasm to write.
Each task is carefully designed so students receive the right amount of support and challenge to improve their writing skills. The model text helps students to structure their writing, and the pre-writing exercise enables them to practise punctuation, syntax, and text structuring.
Vocabulary exercises give students the chance to practise the new words they have learnt alongside familiar vocabulary items from their coursEbook.
Key features:
- Broad range of text types focusing on cross-curricular topics
- Step-by-step reading and graded writing tasks with a clear outcome
- Thorough development of reading sub-skills such as reading for gist and reading for detail
- Vocabulary section in each unit builds on words students meet in their coursEbooks
- Accompanying Audio CD, plus online notes and support for teachers.
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СКАЧАТЬ БЕСПЛАТНО Чтение и Письмо на английском языке от Оксфорд серия обучающих пособий для детей pdf |