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Oxford Metro
УМК английского языка для подростков




категория: английский для детей Oxford Metro
автор (author): James Styring, Nicholas Tims, Alexandra Paramour, Aírton Pozo de Mattos
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press
год (year): 2017
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, FLV
Oxford Metro - захватывающий новый вторичный курс, который отражает жизнь подростков сегодня и привлекает студентов к следующему этапу их учебного путешествия, чтобы стать уверенными, независимыми учениками. Испытайте новое сочетание надежной методологии и интересных новых функций с Metro, новым курсом Oxford University Press. Этот учебник, созданный для отражения жизни подростков сегодня, не только охватывает причудливые и привлекательные темы, которые оживят интерес учащихся, но также учитывают, как сегодняшние подростки узнают окружающий мир, от просмотра видео на YouTube до обмена сообщениями с друзьями..

Методология курса обеспечивает правильный баланс между поддержкой и вызовом. Структура и навыки, которые предоставляет Metro, означает, что учащиеся могут преуспеть на английском языке, но есть также функции, которые позволяют учащимся бросать вызов себе, чтобы стать более уверенными и независимыми учениками.

Oxford Metro - an exciting new secondary course that reflects the lives of teenagers today and takes students on the next step of their learning journey to become confident, independent learners. Experience a fresh combination of reliable methodology and fun new features with Metro, Oxford University Press’s brand new secondary course. Created to reflect the lives of teenagers today, the course not only covers quirky and engaging topics that will spark students’ interest, it also takes into account the ways in which today’s teens learn about the world around them, from watching YouTube videos to messaging their friends. The course’s methodology provides just the right balance between support and challenge. The structure and skills practice that Metro provides means students can succeed in English, but there are also features which enable students to challenge themselves to become more confident and independent learners.

The Metro Student Book is made up of interesting topics which appeal to students' natural curiosity and sense of fun, answering the questions today's teens want to know. The accompanying Workbook mirrors and reinforces the content covered in the Student Book.

Each unit in the Student Book is introduced by the same group of teen characters
Magazine-style design with eye-catching images reflects the real world of teen learners
Review pages features lots of practice in grammar and vocabulary from the unit and can be completed in class or as homework
Culture pages provide a fresh take on the topic from different parts of the world
Projects help students to develop planning and organizational skills
Accompanying workbook reinforces the material covered in the student book
Online Homework allows students to practice what they learned in class and track their own progress
The On the Move app allows students to access engaging, quiz-like language practice wherever they are

Created to reflect the lives of teenagers today, the topics in Metro have been chosen to spark students’ natural curiosity and delivery takes into account how teenagers like to learn about the world around them. Each unit contains two graded videos presented by a group of relatable teen friends, who make learning accessible and fun. Informed by the latest pedagogy, the course offers just the right amount of challenge and encourages students to think critically. Target language and grammar is first presented in context, encouraging students to reflect on meaning and interpretation, and ‘Good readers’ and ‘Good writers’ tips equip students with strategies to instantly improve their performance. The course’s broad range of resources and digital components are perfect companions for busy teachers. The Classroom Presentation Tool makes it easy to deliver heads-up lessons, and the Online Homework enables teachers to easily assign and mark homework, and track students’ progress.

The Online Homework, also included in this pack, allows students to practise the material covered in class and track their own progress. Students can begin to take responsibility for their own learning and view their areas of strength and weakness.

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