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Oxford EAP A course in English for Academic Purposes




Категория: Бизнес-английский Oxford EAP
автор (author): Edward de Chazal, Sam McCarter, Louis Rogers, Julie Moore, Paul Dummett, Jon Hird, John Hughes
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press
год (year): 2011
язык (language): английский (English)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, ISO
Oxford EAP - a brand new EAP course from Oxford offering an integrated approach to teaching English for Academic Purposes and authentic texts from Oxford textbooks. Oxford EAP develops the essential skills and academic language for learners who are preparing to study in English at university level, from foundation courses to postgraduate research.

With authentic content from Oxford textbooks and videos of lecture extracts, Oxford EAP is an ideal course for learners from a wide range of disciplines. Its clear structure and user-friendly approach make it an ideal resource for experienced EAP tutors as well as teachers who are starting out in the field.
The needs of teachers and learners of English for Academic Purposes differ across institutions, levels and subject areas. Oxford EAP provides a course that is inclusive and international with a strong focus on the core skills needed for academic study, catering for the needs of EAP teachers and students across the globe.

The modular structure of the course allows tutors and students the flexibility to adapt the material to their own needs, which makes it suitable for use on pre-sessional courses, as well as on in-sessional language support programmes. Oxford EAP (B1+) won the runner-up prize for the English-Speaking Union (ESU) HRH The Duke of Edinburgh English Language Book Awards 2013.

Key Features:

- Authentic academic content using extracts from Oxford textbooks
- Integrated skills and academic language
- Video-based lecture extracts to help prepare students for the university experience
- Progressive coverage of all four skills in an academic context
- Accessible and user-friendly approach
- Teacher's Handbook with comprehensive notes and ideas.

Grammar for EAP: English Grammar and Practice for Academic Purposes is a grammar reference and practice book which provides students with the functional grammar they need to succeed in their academic studies, whatever their chosen subject. Grammar for EAP reviews and consolidates the key grammatical areas needed for essay writing and presentations, and puts theory into practice with exercises which test knowledge and challenge understanding. Includes detailed answer key.

Oxford English for Academic Purposesучебный курс для подготовки студентов к обучению на английском в академической среде, созданный специально для высших учебных заведений. Курс развивает языковые навыки – с помощью чтения академических текстов, академического письма, прослушивания лекций, – а также общеучебные навыки, критическое мышление, умение работать с первоисточниками, анализировать и обобщать информацию, излагать свои мысли в устной и письменной форме. Сопутствующий DVD содержит не только отрывки из университетских лекций, но также из презентаций студентов и семинарских занятий. Его можно использовать как на подготовительных курсах, так и в аспирантуре.

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