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Oxford Bright Ideas 7 Level English Course for Children |
категория: английский для детей
автор (author): Cheryl Palin, Mary Charrington, Charlotte Covill, Sarah Philips, Katherine Bilsborough, Steve Bilsborough, Helen Casey |
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press |
год (year): 2018 |
язык (language): английский (english) |
формат (format): PDF, MP3, ISO |
Новейший семиуровневый курс английского языка от издательства Оксфорд поощряет учащихся к развитию навыков 21-го века посредством творческих игр и занятий и позволяет успешно готовится к международным экзаменам
английского для детей. Основной фокус в данном УМК направлен на приобретение и совершенствование навыков чтения и письма посредством интерактивного обучения. Комплексный пакет интегрированных печатных и цифровых материалов бросает вызов традиционным методам обучения с захватывающими новыми ресурсами и мероприятиями, которые адаптируются ко всем учебным ситуациям. |
Oxford Bright Ideas seven-level course provides a flexible package that ensures exam success and encourages students to develop 21st century skills through creative games and activities.
With a strong focus on the development of reading and writing skills through interactive learning, Bright Ideas offers extensive exam and literacy support with the benefit of innovative content and familiar topics.
Using 'Big Questions' to challenge students and promote the development of 21st century skills in areas such as critical thinking, the course links the classroom with the 'real world' and encourages the sharing of ideas through communication and collaboration.
The comprehensive package of integrated print and digital resources challenges traditional methods of learning with exciting new resources and activities that are adaptable to all teaching situations.
Class Audio CDs - contains all listening material for Class Book. Interactive songs bring the classroom to life.
Activity Book provides carefully scaffolded writing activities and even more reading texts so that students can put the language they learn into practice. Ten pages of activities per core unit are followed by ten pages of Cambridge English external exam preparation material. Includes extra grammar practice for each unit with eight grammar reference pages. Online Practice motivates students to connect with English outside the classroom through interactive tasks and activities. Progress tracking and automatic marking saves you time and enables you to get the most out of your class.
Includes Teacher's Guide, Classroom Presentation Tool and Teacher's Resource Centre.
Teacher's Guide provides step-by-step guidance on all content in the Class Book, including an introductory description of methodology and concept behind the course. Classroom Presentation Tool allows you to run smooth heads-up lessons by projecting the Class Book with embedded audio and video.
Classroom Presentation Tool can be used across all devices and is available online and offline. Teacher's Resource Centre provides extra practice worksheets, Trinity GESE preparation material, exam-style tests, and answer keys. Exam support is provided through supplementary materials that can be adapted for any teaching situation, class size or ability.
Classroom Resource Pack - provides supplementary resources to be used in class. Includes a wipe-clean Bright Ideas classroom poster. Flashcards, storycards and wordcards present the key unit vocabulary.
Key Features:
- Enquiry-based method of learning encourages the development of communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration.
- Online gaming concepts and a fun blogging-style layout stimulates the imaginations of your students and encourages them to actively engage with ideas in a meaningful context.
- Extensive exam preparation activities and materials with embedded Cambridge English Qualifications syllabus ensures pupils are fully prepared for exams.
- Flexible and comprehensive digital package provides you with rich video content, story animations, and an interactive Classroom Presentation Tool for heads-up lessons that help you get the most out of your class.
- Online practice (for levels 1-6) offers students downloadable games and activities and motivates them to connect with English outside the classroom.
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Download Oxford Bright Ideas:
- Bright Ideas Exam Power Pack Beginner DVD - ISBN: 978-0-19-410149-3
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