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Oxford Skills World - 6-level paired skills series in international English




категория: Лексика Oxford Skills World
автор (author): Various
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press
год (year): 2019
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, XLS
Описание: Oxford Skills World — это парный курс ключевых навыков английского, который дает вам полную гибкость — используйте его с любым другим базовым курсом или отдельно. Парные навыки: чтение с письмом и аудирование с разговором. Каждая пара имеет 6 уровней, и каждый уровень включает в себя ученическую книгу / рабочую тетрадь, инструмент для презентаций в классе и набор для учителя с поддержкой уроков, руководством по разработке учебного плана и видеороликами для профессионального развития.

Oxford Skills World - is the paired skills course that gives you complete flexibility – use it with any other primary course, or by itself. The paired skills are Reading with Writing, and Listening with Speaking. Each pairing has 6 levels, and each level includes a Student Book / Workbook, a Classroom Presentation Tool, and a Teacher's Pack with lesson support, curriculum design guidance, and professional development videos. Did you know that you can write approximately 45,000 words with one pencil? It's true! And your primary learners will get to know facts like this because a Fun Fact appears in every topic. Why? Because they give learners talking points, and they get learners more involved in each topic. Fun Facts, illustrated Key Words and the friendly Molly and Olly characters are among the colourful features that make language skills fun for primary learners. Clear goals and lesson structures Every topic starts with a short My Goals list, and every topic follows a consistent order of activities - for example, Understand (the topic), Get Ready to Read, and Read. Places to record reading and writing outcomes appear on the page, while the Think, Pair, Share activities develop the 21st-century skills: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Core activities such as Find the action words, Understand the sequence and Write an opinion focus clearly on the practical skills young learners need. When students can see the progress they make, they get more from their learning. This is why can-do objectives and proof-of-learning activities appear throughout: to encourage learners, and to get them involved. The built-in strategies for independent learning boost autonomy and proficiency. Use Oxford Skills World alongside any primary course or by itself. You can use the chapters in any order, making it easy to fit your teaching needs - it offers complete flexibility for skills teaching. The syllabus matches Oxford's flagship primary courses, including Family and Friends, Let's Go, Everybody Up, English Time - and many more! Workbook material is included at the back of the Student Book / Workbook - provides four pages of extra practice and learning per topic (two pages per unit).


Suitable to use alongside any primary course, with a flexible structure to suit your teaching needs.
Syllabus matches all flagship Oxford primary courses.
Task types prepare learners for exam success in Cambridge English: Young Learners and TOEFL Junior
Built-in goals, progress checks and strategies encourage learner autonomy and independence.
Course characters Molly and Olly help skills learning to become a skills adventure!
Teacher's Pack provides support for every lesson.

Внимание! Ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с инструкцией и правилами

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Download Oxford Skills World Series:

  • Oxford Skills World Levels 1-6 Listening with Speaking Teachers Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-411323-6
  • Oxford Skills World Levels 1-6 Reading with Writing Teachers Pack - ISBN: 978-0-19-411321-2

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