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Oxford Harmonize - English Course for Teenagers




категория: УМК Oxford Harmonize
автор (author): Robert Quinn, Rob Sved, Nicholas Tims, Daniel Brayshaw, Paul A Davies, Lindsay Warwick, Sylvia Wheeldon
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press
год (year): 2022
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, MP4
Описание: Harmonize — это шестиуровневый курс английского языка для подростков, который помогает учителям превратить свой класс в среду совместного обучения. Студенты изучают больше, чем просто язык, создавая проекты, выполняя выполнимые пошаговые задачи в каждом разделе, чтобы достичь реальных, практических результатов. Превратите свой класс в среду совместного обучения с помощью Harmonize. Студенты изучают больше, чем просто язык, выполняя проекты по темам, которые для них важны. Harmonize включает в себя мощный подход «Оценка для обучения», который поможет вам продвинуть учащихся вперед. Наши функции уроков, заметки учителя и тесты направлены на то, чтобы помочь учащимся постоянно достигать своих целей, ускорять свой прогресс и идти дальше благодаря поддержке регулярной неформальной оценки и эффективной обратной связи.
Harmonize is a 6-level secondary course that helps teachers transform their classroom into a collaborative learning environment. Students learn more than just language as they create projects following manageable step-by-step tasks in each unit to achieve real, practical outcomes. Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment with Harmonize. Students learn more than language as they complete projects on topics that matter to them. Harmonize includes a powerful Assessment for Learning approach to help you propel learners forward. Our lesson features, teacher's notes and tests are focused on helping learners to continually reach for their goals, accelerate their progress, and go further with support for regular informal assessment and effective feedback. Professional Development support helps you get started with Harmonize. Watch video tutorials to set up your course, access focus and position papers for expert advice and bite-sized guidance on key issues and take short professional development modules for an introduction to key methodologies for your course. Collaborate: Transform your classroom into a collaborative learning environment. Work together to complete projects. Harmonize integrates projects into every unit, motivating students to work together towards a common goal and learn language and skills to apply in real situations. Learn more than language. Projects give students the opportunity to develop global skills as they make decisions, give feedback and solve problems, preparing them for lifelong success. Facilitate communication and enhance understanding with mediation activities. Create: Spark students’ creativity as they research, develop and deliver their projects. Inspire creative thinking. Students define the direction of their project work, creating unique projects that are shaped by their own values, interests and creative skills. Support students to reach their goals. The Project Builder provides step-by-step project tasks throughout the unit, encouraging students to build their project in manageable stages. Personalize learning for each student. The Project Log provides a unique, fun and creative space for students to develop ideas, reflect on their projects, celebrate their successes, and evaluate areas for development. Learn: Connect learning with the world outside the classroom with meaningful topics, tasks and videos. Make English immediately useful and relevant. Project tasks help students use language for communicative and real-life purposes. Students present their final projects in a variety of formats such as a poster, blog, video or website. Interact with relevant, real-world videos. Content rich videos, including Project Coach, provide students with realistic language models and keep them engaged with their learning. Build the skills and strategies needed for success, inside and outside the classroom. The Online Practice helps students to become competent autonomous learners with online skills practice and activities to complete in their own time.

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