Richmond Open Day English Course for School Kids Download for free books audio cdrom
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Open Day by Richmond
seven-level Primary American and British English course




категория: английский язык для детей Open Day Richmond
автор (author): David Gray, Michael Downie
издательство (publisher): Richmond
год (year): 2023
язык (language): английский (American and British english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3, mp4
Описание: Open Day – это курс английского языка из семи уровней для школьников начальных классов. Тематический подход Дня открытых дверей объединяет вопросы социальной ответственности, гражданственности и экологической осведомленности, побуждая детей развивать навыки критического мышления. Герои сериала «Хорошие друзья» сопровождают учеников в их приключениях по изучению языка и знакомят нас с различными животными со всего мира, находящимися под угрозой исчезновения! Благодаря растущему осознанию этих находящихся под угрозой исчезновения видов и вдохновляющим видеороликам о природе дети учатся сочувствию, мотивируя их становиться вдумчивыми, сострадательными подростками и взрослыми, которым небезразличен мир, в котором мы живем, и наша ответственность за него и друг за друга.

Open Day is a seven-level course that will challenge and motivate. Open Day’s topic-based approach connects issues about social responsibility, citizenship, and environmental awareness, challenging children to develop their critical thinking skills. The series’ Good Buddies characters accompany the students in their language-learning adventures and introduce us to different critically-endangered animals from around the world! Through their growing awareness of these threatened species, and inspiring nature videos, the children learn empathy, motivating them to grow into thoughtful, compassionate teenagers and adults who care about the world we live in and our responsibility for it and for each other.
Every Student’s Book opens another world – and another endangered species and its habitat! A Welcome Unit introduces each level, recycling earlier content (Level 1 opens with functional classroom language). Then two complementary units develop a topic (four per level), meaning topics include an integrated Mindfulness program, Citizenship, CLIL, project work, international exam preparation, and the Good Buddies story with its threatened animal, as well as the essential vocabulary, skills, grammar and phonics practice! Students self-evaluate at the end of each topic and complete a fun home connection task.
For each level of Open Day, there is a Reader with an additional text per topic – two fiction and two factual texts in total – so students can enjoy more extensive reading, and experience new vocabulary and language from each topic in meaningful contexts. Students can also listen to recordings of all the reading material to boost their understanding and reading for pleasure.
Does what it says on the cover, and more! Packed with activities, students can practice and reinforce language objectives and skills development independently or in class. The first five pages of every unit consolidate the Student’s Book My Words and My Language sections, students can test their memory with the comic strip Good Buddies Quiz, and explore the Reader further with specific activities at the end of each topic. Students develop their projects with helpful guidance from special detachable templates at the back of the book.
With just a click, students can access digital versions of all the course print materials on our state-of the-art learning platform! Plenty of online resources complement these components, including audio recordings, interactive practice activities, bilingual instructions for the home connection task, color-coded wordlists, and the Reader in animated karaoke style.
The Teacher’s Guide gives you complete confidence! Step-by-step lesson plans, interleaved with the Student’s Book pages (with superimposed answers) for easy reference, include clear Objectives to help you focus on your students’ specific learning outcomes and show you other materials or course resources you’ll need for class. The Introduction explains the series’ concept and methodology, its components, their features, and the online resources. The Scope and Sequence summarizes the expected course outcomes, and two Activities sections give ideas on how to use the flashcards and posters every unit to present and review language. The Audioscripts and Practice Book Answer Key are at the back of the book.
Eight posters for every level (one per unit), with their own cutouts, create contexts for presentation and further practice of new language structures. The cutouts add changeable elements to each scene, making the posters more flexible, and controlled practice more communicative. The lesson plans and the Poster Activities section in the Teacher’s Guide explain when and how to use them.
Each level of the series comes with a set of flashcards to aid in the presentation and practice of key vocabulary.
A professionally produced documentary about each endangered animal encourages environmental awareness. Online lesson plans help you exploit them to the full and guide your students in an end-of-lesson project.

Key Features:

- learn CEFR-benchmarked language and experience international young learners’ exam formats
- explore content from other subjects, like geography and science (CLIL)
- practice Mindfulness, to increase self-awareness and enjoy life to the full
- perform collaborative projects, personalizing and sharing their knowledge communicative tasks
- examine Citizenship skills and values, to recognize how responsible members in our community behave, and why
- reflect on life’s big questions to develop their critical thinking, by exploring, analyzing, drawing conclusions and proposing solutions to our daily lives
- develop projects at home, together with their family, in Home Connection activities.

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See Also: Kids Web

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