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Moving into ESAP series by Garnet |
категория: бизнес-английский |
автор (author): Terry Phillips, Anna Phillips, Hans Mol |
издательство (publisher): Garnet |
год (year): 2014 |
язык (language): английский (english) |
формат (format): PDF, MP3 |
Описание: Серия обучающих пособий для студентов колледжей и университетов, которым необходим английский язык в рамках различных специализаций. Каждый учебник
рассчитан на уровень Pre-Intermediate. Десять 6-страничных уроков предоставляют широкий спектр упражнений для улучшения обучения студентов. Они охватывают четыре умения слушать, читать, говорить и писать, а также грамматику, лексику и произношение. Широкий спектр тем знакомит студентов с наиболее важными и интересными областями обучения. Курс учит навыкам, которые студенты могут использовать как в своей более широкой учебе, так и в будущей карьере. |
The Garnet Moving into ESAP - discipline-specific English courses for Pre-Intermediate students.
Moving into Tourism and Hospitality - is a course for college and university students who need English for their continuing education. It caters for pre-intermediate learners who want to study more effectively and to prepare for a career in tourism or hospitality. It combines carefully controlled development of English-language skills with coverage of key aspects of tourism and hospitality.
Moving into Science - is a course for college and university students who need English for their continuing education. It caters for pre-intermediate learners who want to study more effectively and to prepare for a career in science. It combines carefully controlled development of English-language skills with coverage of key aspects of science.
Moving into Mechanical Engineering - is a course for college and university students who need English for their continuing education. It caters for pre-intermediate learners who want to study more effectively and to prepare for a career in mechanical engineering. It combines carefully controlled development of English-language skills with coverage of key aspects of mechanical engineering.
Moving into Healthcare and Nursing - is a course for college and university students who need English for their continuing education. It caters for pre-intermediate learners who want to study more effectively and to prepare for a career in healthcare/nursing. It combines carefully controlled development of English-language skills with coverage of key aspects of nursing and healthcare.
Moving into Business Studies - is a course for college and university students who need English for their continuing Business Studies education. It caters for pre-intermediate learners who want to study more effectively and to prepare for a career in business. It combines carefully controlled development of English-language skills with coverage of key aspects of business studies
Key Features:
• Communicative activities encourage students to become confident, effective communicators
• A wide range of topics introduce students to the most important and interesting areas of studies
• A graded approach to skills enables students to use English effectively. The course teaches transferable skills that students can use both in their wider studies and in their future careers
• Ten 6-page units provide a wide range of exercises to reinforce students’ learning. They cover the four skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, as well as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
• The audio CD is packed with additional listening material. As well as dialogues, it includes many pronunciation exercises, which enables students to develop their skills in this important area
• Transcripts at the back of the book provide complete reference for all the audio recordings.
All Titles in this Series:
- Moving into Business Studies Course Book - ISBN: 9781859646908
- Moving into Business Studies Teacher’s Book - ISBN: 9781859646915
- Moving into Business Studies Workbook - ISBN: 9781859646960
- Moving into Healthcare and Nursing Course Book - ISBN: 9781907575679
- Moving into Healthcare and Nursing Teacher’s Book - ISBN: 9781907575686
- Moving into Healthcare and Nursing Workbook - ISBN: 9781908614469
- Moving into Mechanical Engineering Course Book - ISBN: 9781907575655
- Moving into Mechanical Engineering Teacher’s Book - ISBN: 9781907575662
- Moving into Mechanical Engineering Workbook - ISBN: 9781908614452
- Moving into Science Course Book - ISBN: 9781782601678
- Moving into Science Teacher’s Book - ISBN: 9781782601692
- Moving into Science Workbook - ISBN: 9781782601685
- Moving into Tourism and Hospitality Course Book - ISBN: 9781907575532
- Moving into Tourism and Hospitality Teacher’s Book - ISBN: 9781907575549
- Moving into Tourism and Hospitality Workbook - ISBN: 9781908614476
- Moving into Law Course Book - ISBN: 9781782602538
- Moving into Law Teacher’s Book - ISBN: 9781782602552
- Moving into Law Workbook - ISBN: 9781782602545
- Moving into Information Technology Course Book - ISBN: 9781782601739
- Moving into Information Technology Teacher’s Book - ISBN: 9781782601753
- Moving into Information Technology Workbook - ISBN: 9781782601746
Смотрите также - See Also: Oxford Express Series and
English for Specific Academic Purposes in Higher Education Studies
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