Описание: Макмиллан Communicate - учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для подростков. Курс отличает интегрированный, но ясный подход к развитию навыков чтения, письма, аудирования и говорения с одновременным развитием лексических и грамматических навыков внутри определенной тематики. Основное предназначение курса - подготовка к сдаче международных экзаменов английского языка для тинейджеров.
Communicate by Macmillan is a two-book communication course specially written to improve listening and speaking skills through video-based activities, aimed at B1 level English students. All of the videos have been developed to give students best practice in the challenges they will face in everyday communication.
The course covers areas such as English in the personal sphere, English at work, academic English and English in a public or social context.
The Communicate Coursebook builds speaking and listening skills through a variety of activities aimed at B1 level students. The vocabulary, speaking and listening sections are carefully staged with a final task that brings all the learning aims together.
The Teacher’s Pack contains a CD-ROM which holds a wealth of resources such as editable tests, teacher’s notes, answer keys, audioscripts as PDFs, and test audio files. The Class Audio material are also found on the CD-ROM. The DVD is the second part of the pack including task-based videos that help to develop communication skills.
The Teacher’s Multi-ROM holds a wealth of resources such as editable tests, teacher’s notes, answer keys, audioscripts as PDFs, and test audio files.
Key features:
- A variety of stimulating class activities
- Thematic and interactive course videos
- Regular progress checks (one per unit) that help teachers assess students on a regular basis
- A wordlist with a summary of all vocabulary
- Strong focus on three speaking tasks: describing a photo, oral presentations and projects.
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