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Code by Macmillan
English exam preparation course for teenagers |
категория: УМК английский язык |
автор (author): Rosemary Aravanis, Stuart Cochrane, George Vassilakis |
издательство (publisher): Macmillan |
год (year): 2010 |
язык (language): английский (British english) |
формат (format): PDF, Mp3 |
Описание: Макмиллан Code - учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для подростков. Курс отличает интегрированный, но ясный подход к развитию навыков чтения, письма, аудирования и говорения с одновременным развитием лексических и грамматических навыков внутри определенной тематики. Основное предназначение курса - подготовка к сдаче международных экзаменов английского языка для тинейджеров. |
Code by Macmillan is a truly blended-learning course for teenagers. It aims to build their general English skills while gently easing them into more tailored PET and FCE exam practice.
The interactive and digital elements will appeal to teenage students and motivate them to learn. The clear yet integrated approach develops reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, whilst there is a systematic build-up of topic-based lexis and lexico-grammar. This is ideal for teenagers preparing for school-leaving exams.
The Student’s Book contains 12 theme-based units that build general English skills to gently introduce students to PET and FCE exam practice. The core skills are developed throughout the book and review units help to reinforce the material being learnt. Also, includes vocabulary and irregular verb lists, perfect for students to refer to.
The Class Audio CD contains all the listening material found in the Student’s Book and allows students to improve their listening skills.
The Workbook contains 12 six-page units with a variety of activities designed to practice the language and skills from every unit of the Student’s Book. Vocabulary and grammar exercises are included along with listening and writing tasks. The accompanying Audio CD allows students to become familiar with listening task-types.
The Teacher’s Book contains step-by-step guidance and explains the overall unit aims and purpose of each section and exercise. Useful suggestions and answers keys are included along with resource pages containing a wealth of photocopiable content. The Test CD contains editable tests for each unit and mid-term and final exams
The Code CD-ROM contains a digital version of the Student’s Book with embedded audio for use on an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB). Unit exercises become active and include a key for teaching convenience with additional features such as answer explanations, word definitions and an easy-to-use teacher tools application.
Key features:
- Practice in PET- and FCE-type exam tasks as well as build-up of general English
- Easy-to-use Interactive Whiteboard material for the classroom brings the book to life and gets the class enthused by learning
- Writing banks, speaking files and grammar sections provide invaluable reference tools plus regular review sections.
- Songs introduce language in an engaging way.
- Review units to reinforce and strengthen student understanding of subject material.
- Vocabulary lists, Irregular Verbs lists and speaking database list.
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