Macmillan My English Trip seven-level primary english course Download for free keys
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Macmillan My English Trip - seven-level primary english course




категория: УМК английский язык My English Trip
автор (author): Amanda Cant, Angela Liands, Mary Charrington, Diana Allamprese, Patricia Lopez, Libby Williams
издательство (publisher): Macmillan
год (year): 2016, 2022
язык (language): английский (International english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3, Mp4
Описание: My English Trip от издательства Макмиллан — это 7-уровневый учебно-методический комплекс английского языка, предназначенный для обучение детей с 6 до 9 лет. С My English Trip дети откроют для себя мир английского языка и в то же время разовьют свои социальные навыки и понимание окружающего мира, благодаря контентно-ориентированной методике и содержанию учебников.

My English Trip is a seven-level primary course with enough flexibility to be used with children starting to learn the language at 6 years old or 8-9 years old. With My English Trip children will discover the world of English and, at the same time, develop their social skills and an awareness of the world around them. Available and free on adoption Teacher's Resource Pack which includes: teaching notes, tests, class audio, songs, social skills worksheets, flashcards, grammar and phonics animations (Levels 1 - 4), Build your own story tool and much more! The songs and the Picture Dictionary are also available for pupils. This series is ideal for primary school teachers with up to 3 contact periods a week who need a sound and straightforward course to help children gain full sense of achievement. The Pupil’s Book has an integrated Activity Book (called My Practice Trip) at the end of each unit. It also has a special section, ‘My English Trip en familia’, which provides advice and tips in Spanish for the family to accompany children in their learning journey (Levels Starter–4). The Pupil’s Book also includes fun games with cut-outs to recycle and integrate the language taught (Levels Starter–4) and stickers (Levels A & B). Levels St Apart from the Audio CD, the Teaching Notes include a code to access the Pupil’s Book eBook and the Teacher’s Resource Centre. Teacher’s Resource Centre including downloadable Teaching Notes, tests, class audios, songs, digital flashcards, social skills worksheets, phonics animations (Levels 1–4), Build Your Own Story tool and Picture Dictionary.

Key Features:

- The series is aligned with official curricular objectives.
- Children will learn by constantly recycling and integrating the core language.
- While Levels A & B take an oral approach to gently introduce children to the world of English, the upper levels take a self-discovery approach so that pupils can internalize the structures being taught.
- The books include activities that promote the development of children’s thinking and emotional skills, and games and projects that encourage pupils to work collaboratively.
- A do-it-yourself Trip figure (Levels A & B) for use in fun classroom activities.

My English Trip 2nd Edition is a fully renewed six-level course for primary children with up to 3 periods of English a week, aligned with official curricular objectives.

With My English Trip 2nd Edition children will explore the world of English and, at the same time, develop their social-emotional skills and an awareness of the world around them. The series empowers students to thrive as committed members of the global community and provides teachers with the tools they need to make their classes memorable and relevant.

• My English Trip 2nd Edition includes a completely new Reader per level with stories, poems, texts and activities that promote the development of thinking and socialemotional skills, allowing students to become proactive global citizens. • New projects and games give children the chance to use the language in meaningful ways while working collaboratively and creatively. • Renewed stories and appealing characters in the Pupil’s Book will make learning more memorable and entertaining. • Constant recycling and integration of grammar structures and vocabulary together with a self-discovery approach secure students’ understanding and consolidation of the new language. • The new digital components in the Student and Teacher Apps will motivate learners by giving them more chances to practise in a game-like way and help teachers deliver stimp & Teach lessons in the Teacher App reduce lesson preparation time while gamified language and literacy activities in the Student App on Navio extend students’ contact with English outside the classroom.

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Download My English Trip First Edition:

Download My English Trip Second Edition:

  • My English Trip 2nd Edition 4 Pupils book
  • My English Trip 2nd Edition 4 Reader
  • My English Trip 2nd Edition 4 Teaching Notes and All Resources
  • My English Trip 2nd Edition 4 All Audio
  • My English Trip 2nd Edition 4 Tests

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