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Cambridge Key English Test - books collection download for free




Cambridge English: Key (Базовый уровень владения английским языком), также известный как Key English Test (KET), является квалификацией базового уровня сложности и подтверждает вашу способность общаться на английском языке в простых повседневных ситуациях. Она подтверждает, что вы заложили хорошую основу дальнейшего изучения английского языка. Сертификат КЕТ подтверждает наличие у кандидата базового уровня владения английским языком - А2.

Cambridge English: Key, also known as the Key English Test (KET), is an English language examination provided by Cambridge English Language Assessment (previously known as University of Cambridge ESOL examination). Cambridge English: Key is a basic level qualification which demonstrates the ability to communicate using English in simple situations. Launched in 1994, Cambridge English: Key is designed to be the first step for students wishing to progress towards higher level English language qualifications, and aims to support learners to master the basics in English. It is focused on Level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Succeed in Cambridge KET - 6 complete Cambridge PET Practice Tests that help you familiarise with the format of the exam. The Succeed in Ket Practice Tests book is at the appropriate level of language difficulty Audio CDS, Overprinted Teacher's Edition,6 complete Cambridge PET Practice Tests that help you familiarise with the format of the exam, Exam Tips.
Key English Test KET - Handbook for teachers Collection. Level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) published by the Council of Europe.
Cambridge English: Key is a qualification at pre-intermediate level. It demonstrates that a person can use English to communicate in simple situations and has achieved a good foundation in learning English.Candidates can choose to take Cambridge English: Key as either a paper-based or computer-based exam.Cambridge English: Key for Schools, a version of Cambridge English: Key with exam content and topics targeted at the interests and experience of school age learners, is also available.
English: Key is a qualification at pre-intermediate leve (A2)l. It demonstrates that a person can use English to communicate in simple situations and has achieved a good foundation in learning English.
Mighty Movers Pack - Pupil's Book+Activity Book+Photocopiable Resource Book+AudioCds. Mighty Movers is an activity-based course suitable for 9 to 11 year olds that provides over 80 hours of classroom work and makes learning English and preparing for the Test fun!
Mighty Movers is ideal preparation for the ESOL YLE Movers test as well as being an excellent course for any young learner.
Oxford Cambridge Key Schools Exam Trainer Oxford Preparation and Practice for Cambridge English A2 Key for Schools Exam Trainer with Key - ISBN: 978-0-19-411885-9. An exam preparation title for teachers looking to prepare students for the Cambridge English A2 Key for Schools exam in conjunction with a main course book. Through its combination of systematic training activities and practice tests, students will be well prepared and can sit the exam with confidence. This Student's Book Pack contains the resources your students need to achieve success in the Cambridge English A2 Key for Schools exam, including seven practice tests (six print tests and one online) and audio for listening tests.
Key for Schools Result. Oxford Univercity Press. Key for Schools Result is a complete preparation course for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools exam. It includes topics appropriate to the level and age group and has a contemporary look and feel.
With its contemporary design and up-to-date material, plus interactive multi-media support for students and teachers, Key for Schools Result is the complete preparation pack for the exam.
KET Practice Tests Plus. The Practice Tests Plus series provides sets of complete tests at exam level and in exam format for KET, PET, KET, CAE, CPE, IELTS and Michigan ECPE and ECCE levels. Each book introduces students to exam formats and provides step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to maximise their chances of excelling.
KET Practice Tests Pack. Introduction to the KET exam. Comprehensive exam advice for students.
Visual material for the speaking paper. Transcripts for the listening paper. Model answers with examiner comments for the writing paper.
Full answer keys for all five tests. Sample exam answer sheets and mark schemes.
Oxford KET: Practice Tests and Audio CD Pack - A set of four complete tests for the Cambridge KET exam. This completes OUP's range of Practice Tests for the Cambridge exam at every level. The authors are closely involved with the KET exam as item writers and examiners. This is the only set of tests to replicate the actual exam in both level and appearance.
Target KET for schools Full Pack - is a short intensive course to prepare teenage learners for the Cambridge ESOL KET for Schools examination. The Student's Book provides 40-50 hours of core material in twelve topic-based units that provide essential exam practice and training, plus focused practice of the key language used in the exam.
Cambridge Objective KET Pack - The course combines solid language development with systematic and thorough exam preparation and practice. The short units give a sense of progress and cover a wide variety of motivating topics relevant to the exam. Regular revision and recycling of language is provided by the revision units.
Key English Test Pack - The past examination papers in Key English Test 4 provide the most authentic exam preparation available. They allow candidates to familiarize themselves with the content and format of the examination and to practise useful examination techniques.
A Student's Book 'without answers' is available separately. The Self-Study Pack, also available, contains the Student's Book with Answers and the Audio CD.
Classroom activities for KET for schools - There are 3-4 activities for teaching each skill: reading (crossword completion, complete cloze, split dialogues), writing (correction code, expanding sentences, group story), listening (stories, grids, using songs, telephone messages) and speaking (circle time news, more question ideas, let's talk about it, one-minute talk).
These can be also adapted to use with adult learner
Crosswords 1 - Vocabulary Revision for KET Teachers book - As an alternative and fun approach to learning and revising vocabulary, Crosswords 1 offers the chance to learn and memorize almost 400 words from the Key English Test word list.
Practice Tests for the KET Expree Publishing. Is a collection of four complete practice tests written in line with the specifications for the KET examination. The tests in this collection reflect the KET Syllabus, both in content and format, and therefore provide thorough, systematic exam preparation and practice.
Cambridge Key English Test for Schools Direct Teacher's book with Class Audio CD. 2010. Patricia Chappell and Mark Lloyd. KET for Schools Direct prepares students for the Cambridge ESOL KET for Schools exam. Essential exam practice, tips and strategies are combined with fun, communicative activities, ensuring lessons are varied and engaging - and that students are ready for their exam.
Cambridge Compact Key for Schools Cambridge Compact Key for Schools is a focused, 50 - 60 hour course for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools exam. This Student's Book features twelve topic-based units with focused exam preparation to maximise the performance of school-age learners. Units contain pages on Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Grammar and Vocabulary. A Grammar reference covers key areas in the syllabus and unit-based wordlists include target vocabulary with definitions. A Speaking Guide provides extra support for this paper. The accompanying CD-ROM provides interactive grammar, vocabulary and exam skills tasks including listening. The Student's Book includes a full practice test. A further practice test with audio is available online. Class Audio CD containing the listening material for this course is available separately.
English for Today Class 1-10. The book follows the communicative approach to teaching and learning English in Bangladesh situations. It provides learners with a variety of materials such as reading texts, dialogues, pictures, diagrams, tasks and activities. These materials have been designed and developed for practice in four basic language skills listening, speaking, reading and writing. As a result, classes are expected to be interactive with students actively participating in the classroom activities through pair work, group work as. well as individual work.

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