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Oxford Incredible English - Невероятный английский учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для детей |
категория: УМК |
автор (author): Sarah Phillips, Mary Slattery, Michaela Morgan, Nick Beare, Julie Penn, Tamzin Thompson |
издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press |
год (year): 2008, 2012 |
язык (language): английский (english) |
формат (format): PDF, MP3, CD-EXE, AVI, JPG |
Описание: Предлагаем Вашему вниманию современный учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для детей младшего школьного возраста от издательства Оксфордского университета - Невероятный английский - Incredible English. Новый
шестиуровневый курс насыщен актуальной лексикой, практическими упражнениями, и всевозможными дополнительными материалами. Аудио материалы к учебникам и тестам, флеш игры и флеш истории для детей, полезные книги для учителя с методическими
рекомендациями и ответами, грамматические и другие таблицы.. Все это входит в комплектацию любого уровня курса. |
УМК Невероятный Английский выдержал два издания, в первом он
состоял из 6 уровней (с первого по шестой), во втором издании добавился уровень Starter.
Incredible English is a six-level course that gives the teacher and children more vocabulary, more cross-curricular content, more language practice, and more resources than most primary courses. Now, in addition to a popular interactive DVD -
available for every two levels - Incredible English comes with a comprehensive iTools package, providing materials for Interactive Whiteboards and templates for creating new teaching resources:
- Fully interactive flashcard presentations
- A range of interactive language games
- Karaoke versions of songs
- Interactive story presentations
- A worksheet builder with a large picture bank
- A test builder with materials for Cambridge Young Learners practice
Sarah Phillips trained as an English language teacher at the Bell School, Norwich, and took her MA in English Language Teaching at Edinburgh University. She has held various teaching posts in Europe and has taught on primary teacher training
courses with Norwich Institute of Language Education. She has worked with the Regional Government of Galicia to prepare training courses and materials for teachers of English. Michaela Morgan is the author of over a hundred books for children. These
include poetry, picture books, infant and junior fiction. She is also a major contributor to several educational schemes including The Oxford Reading Tree and is co-author of Harraps Junior English language course for children. Mary Slattery is a
teacher and freelance teacher trainer. She began her career in the 1970s teaching English and Spanish in Dublin, Ireland. In the 1980s she started to teach English as a foreign language. She has taught children and adults at all levels and has written articles on various aspects of teaching.
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