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Longman IELTS Practice Tests Plus Практические занятия и тесты системы экзамена IELTS |
международные экзамены |
автор (author): Margaret Matthews, Katy Salisbury, Terry Morgan, Vanessa Jakeman |
издательство (publisher): Longman Pearson |
год (year): 2001, 2005, 2011 |
язык (language): английский (english) |
формат (format): PDF, Mp3, NRG, ISO |
Эта учебники содержат всё необходимое для подготовки к экзаменам IELTS и Cambridge ESOL. В книги включены примеры тестов и стратегии для успешного выполнения каждой части данных экзаменов. |
Архивы Practice Tests Plus 1 и 2 издания 2005 года содержат учебники и аудиодиски.
Архив ELTS Practice Tests Plus 3 - издания 2011 года включает в себя учебник, аудиодиски, DVD-rom и содержит:
- 7 полных тестов
- дополнительные модули для чтения и письма
- 3 аудио диска с материалами для аудио тестов
- обзоры тестов
- подсказки и стратегии по каждому тесту
- ответы на тесты
- разговорный тест на DVD
- примеры работ с отзывами экзаменаторов
- дополнительные упражнения, которые можно распечатать.
IELTS Practice Tests Plus 1:
- Reassure your students with task specific hints and tips on how to get the right answer
- Each book has a number of additional ‘plus’ features including grammar and vocabulary practice, functions banks
- Increase both your and your students’ knowledge of the relevant examination with the exam overview section
- Create exam conditions in your classroom using the sample OMR answer sheets
- Make your marking easy with the answer key and tape script.
IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2:
IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2 provides essential practice in all four modules of the IELTS examination:
Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. It includes: - six complete Practice Tests incorporating the 2005 modifications to the Writing module.
- sample answers to writing tasks
- a full description of the exam
- complete audio scripts, with answers marked
- strategy boxes training key sub-skills for each module
- sections for assessing your writing and academic vocabulary
- annotated answer key, analysing correct and incorrect answers
- additional reading and writing modules for General Training candidates
IELTS Practice Tests Plus 3:
- Audio and colour visual materials allowing students to practise for the speaking and listening papers at home
- Sample answer sheets and a guide to the exam so your students know what to expect
- Answer key and tapescript to support teachers doing exam practice in class
- Practice Tests Plus provides authentic practice, comprehensive guidance and strategies for dealing with each part of the exam.
Practice Tests Plus now with DVD Multi-ROM:
- Authentic examples of the speaking exam;
- Writing samples;
- Teaching tips and activity ideas;
- Interactive phonetics chart.
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