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A History of the English Language 36 audio lectures
История английского языка - 36 аудио лекций




категория: аудиокурс History of the English Language
автор (author): Taught by Seth Lerer
издательство (publisher): Stanford University, University of Chicago
год (year): 2008
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3
A History of the English Language - комплект лекций профессоров Чикагского и Стенфордского университетов по истории английского языка. Это абсолютно уникальная и полная история языка от возникновения и распространения, по появления американского варианта и общемировой глобализации английского языка. Из 36 получасовых лекций Вы сможете почерпнуть не только основные знания по истории и эволюции English language, но и множество интересны, даже необычных фактов и подробностей.

Список аудио лекций в архиве:

01. Introduction to the Study of Language
02. The Historical Study of Language - Methods and Approaches
03. The Prehistory of English - The Indo-European Context
04. Reconstructing Meaning and Sound
05. Words and Worlds - Historical Linguistics and the Study of Culture
06. The Beginnings of English
07. Old English - The Anglo-Saxon Worldview
08. Changing Language - Did the Normans Really Conquer English
09. Conquering Language - What Did the Normans Do to English
10. Chaucer's English
11. Dialect Jokes and Literary Representation in Middle English
12. A Multilingual World - Medieval Attitudes Toward Language Change
13. The Return of English as a Standard
14. How We Speak - The Great Vowel Shift and the Making of Modern English
15. What We Say - The Expanding English Vocabulary
16. The Shape of Modern English - Changes in Syntax and Grammar
17. Renaissance Attitudes Toward Teaching English
18. The Language of Shakespeare (Part 1) - Drama, Grammar, and Pronunciation
19. The Language of Shakespeare (Part 2) - Poetry, Sound, and Sense
20. The Bible in English
21. Samuel Johnson and His Dictionary
22. New Standards in English
23. Semantic Change - Dictionaries and the Histories of Words
24. Values and Words in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
25. The Beginnings of American English
26. Making the American Language - From Noah Webster to H.L. Mencken
27. The Rhetoric of Independence from Jefferson to Lincoln
28. The Language of the American Self
29. American Regionalism
30. American Dialects in Literature
31. The Impact of African - American English
32. An Anglophone World
33. The Language of Science - The Changing Nature of Twentieth-Century English
34. The Science of Language - The Study of Language in the Twentieth Century
35. Modern Linguistics and the Politics of Language Study
36. Conclusions and Provacations

Помимо лекций в архиве Вы также найдете учебник к курсу.

You speak English every day. But how much do you know about its long and fascinating history?
These 36 lectures are a thorough and absorbing survey of English, from its origins as a Germanic dialect to the literary and cultural achievements of its 1,500-year history to the state of American speech and global English today.
Do you know where English, the language in which you communicate each and every day, came from?
Do you know how it evolved?
Why we spell the way we do?
Why we pronounce words the way we do?
Why we use the very words we do?
Discover a Wealth of Fascinating Detail
Much of the charm of this course is in its wealth of fascinating detail: Where do the silent "k" and "g" in "knight" come from?
Why could Chaucer and Shakespeare use multiple negatives without anyone missing their meaning?
Why did Isaac Newton take time out from physics to research spelling?
How did a British colonial official first realize that languages spoken from Britain to India were deeply related?
How do the shared roots of those "Indo-European" languages give us a window into the prehistoric past?
As you trace the development of spoken and written English, you'll learn how words denote social rank, how and why dialects arise and interact, and how the Anglo-Saxons, the Norman invasion, and British colonialism each left their marks on the words we use every day.
You'll learn, too, why spelling meant so much to Renaissance schoolmasters, and how Noah Webster, Frederick Douglass, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, H. L. Mencken, and others helped to give us our familiar American English.
You'll also explore the regional American dialects that still thrive and how many of them preserve centuries-old features of British English that have long since disappeared in the British Isles.
Also, you will discover how hot topics such as multiculturalism and the official status of English were first discussed in the courts of medieval English kings, and pose intriguing questions about the sort of English our children and grandchildren will speak. Hear Changing Dialects through 1,500 Years of English

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A History of English Language

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